Endless Paradigm

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andrewcc Wrote:who's already done? i don't want to think I've rushed a little so I'm waiting for others to finish....

ill start mine now, maybe ill have it done some time this week (or it could be done in the next 3 hours, dunno)
Tetris999 Wrote:ill start mine now, maybe ill have it done some time this week (or it could be done in the next 3 hours, dunno)

Your puzzling. @_@
what about vertcal sigs D:

m making an epic one but i want to enter it
mines done and sent......
im gonna start in a bit..... i gonna stick with the theme ive been using lately... good luck to everybody!!

I'm gonna start work soon.
6 of our team are confirmed to be making sigs.

Including myself.

2 of them have finished.

I haven't started yet.

There's no rush here everyone. Take your time.
ok i finished, it was originally going to be a gift for mehakker but damn; this is too good of entry to pass up

Im really proud of the sig, its the first in a long time :D

Chaoticgamer Wrote:
Tetris999 Wrote:ill start mine now, maybe ill have it done some time this week (or it could be done in the next 3 hours, dunno)

Your puzzling. @_@

Hence my name :D
Whoops sorry XD forgot to come to the thread XD I though it hadn't been made yet!!!!

Wahey letsa GO!!!!
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