Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Challenge to DreamArts
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*offer is still standing*

this is just a friendly battle ffs, even if it ends up being all from the same team
Kaiser Wrote:*offer is still standing*

this is just a friendly battle ffs, even if it ends up being all from the same team

MICk3Y Wrote:
Kaiser Wrote:*offer is still standing*

this is just a friendly battle ffs, even if it ends up being all from the same team


my offer of having all the sigs uploaded in the same place (the bucket)
Might aswell.....
Kaiser Wrote:
MICk3Y Wrote:
Kaiser Wrote:*offer is still standing*

this is just a friendly battle ffs, even if it ends up being all from the same team


my offer of having all the sigs uploaded in the same place (the bucket)

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