@Trademark91 - i showed my friend maybe ill catch fire
@Trademark91 - and he became so obsessed with the album
lembas - ha
lembas - nice
@Trademark91 - like
@Trademark91 - he
@Trademark91 - well
@Trademark91 - hmm
@Trademark91 - well he was really obsessed with it
@Trademark91 - YOU GET THE POINT
lembas - I DO
I'm gay.
Spoiler for online game stuff:
3DS FC: 4184-1632-9353
In the words of the wise trademark91:
30/10/2012 06:57 PM
Posts: 1,112.1322 Threads: 61
Joined: 13th Aug 2008
Reputation: -2.97985 E-Pigs: 33.8125
(30/10/2012 06:57 PM)lembas Wrote: @Trademark91 - i showed my friend maybe ill catch fire
@Trademark91 - and he became so obsessed with the album
lembas - ha
lembas - nice
@Trademark91 - like
@Trademark91 - he
@Trademark91 - well
@Trademark91 - hmm
@Trademark91 - well he was really obsessed with it
@Trademark91 - YOU GET THE POINT
lembas - I DO
<w0c> meh
<w0c> (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<w0c> that awkward moment when you realized you wasted 2h of time of top ps3 devs due to a typo :\
<yoyo> :D
<Joomla> lol
* w0c starts over
<w0c> ┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
<Myth0s> i love boys
I Go To Earth When Mars Is Boring.
¿ʞɔпɟ əɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ I was first EPerson to have upside down title.
(15/11/2012 07:37 AM)lembas Wrote: <@lembas> I HAVE NEGATIVE COMMENTS ABOUT BLOPS
<+Will> Wee fudge you
<+Will> well*
<+Will> Lol
<@lembas> Please don't!
he would!
<Myth0s> i love boys
I Go To Earth When Mars Is Boring.
¿ʞɔпɟ əɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ I was first EPerson to have upside down title.
<dark_mirage> Hey
<lembas> greetings
<dark_mirage> Do you know Japanese?
<lembas> A bit
<dark_mirage> デンチヲ
<dark_mirage> コウカン
<dark_mirage> シテクダサイ
<lembas> what
<dark_mirage> I can't seem to translate that, I've tried using 2 translation engined
<lembas> denchiwo
<lembas> koukan
<lembas> shichikudasai
<lembas> kudasai is please, normally written as ください OR 下さい
<lembas> no idea why they're in katakana
<dark_mirage> Me either
<lembas> oh no wait
<lembas> last one is shite
<Joomla> lol
<Joomla> please shite
<lembas> I always mix up チ and テ
<dark_mirage> It was on my dreamcasts vmu, I emailed a picture of the screen, and had a guy write it out in text
<lembas> lemme see the picture nigguh
<dark_mirage> Kk
<dark_mirage> http://imgur.com/MPWAt.jpg
<lembas> oh
<lembas> it says
<lembas> Please replace the battery
<lembas> 電池を交換して下さい
<dark_mirage> Ah
<dark_mirage> That would be why it won't do anything
[15:45] * Joomla is now known as Joom|Offline
[15:46] * Joom|Offline is now known as Joomla
[15:47] * Joomla is now known as Joom|Offline
[15:47] * Joom|Offline is now known as Joomla
[15:50] * Joomla is now known as Joom|Offline
[15:50] * Joom|Offline is now known as Joomla
[15:52] * Joomla is now known as Joom|Offline
[16:11] * Joom|Offline is now known as Joomla
[16:19] * Joomla is now known as Joom|Offline
[16:19] * Joom|Offline is now known as Joomla