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RE: Are women being opressed
Welcome to pop culture guys, there's a lot of people willing to shell money out over things like this.
Remember the joke "Keep contributing to rape culture by sitting around?", well, it wasn't exactly 100% of a joke.
Also, like sensei said, it spiked in popularity because a bunch of people hated on it. There's a nice saying to go with this "the more you hate it, the more it gets stronger" could not have proven to be any more true.
Look at Friday per example, probably one of the worst songs ever and its raised TONS of money, do I have to explain why?
(This post was last modified: 23/08/2012 08:47 AM by Tetris999.)
23/08/2012 08:34 AM |
Funky Buddah
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RE: Are women being opressed
He is in his mid-20's, I don't think you can go to school at that age in the US. Don't live there, so can't say.
Also, what are your thoughts on false accusations of rape? I read on some site o something, a feminist site, that false accusations of rape are useful. They make the men think "whether they could really rape that woman".
Also, found a pic on 4chin SUCK this morning. Some forum, where a woman was talking about how she married a guy who had 3 kids from first marriage, was happy, then they got another kid. She had to go to work as well, the man is working his donkey off and comes home late or something. She is all tired and wants a divorce. Openly discusses with a few other women (who are encouraging her) whether she should divorce him now or wait, cause she not only wants the house and financial support but also a part of his inheritance. The fudge?

23/08/2012 01:06 PM |
Too Small to Fail
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RE: Are women being opressed
(23/08/2012 01:06 PM)Funky Buddah Wrote: He is in his mid-20's, I don't think you can go to school at that age in the US. Don't live there, so can't say.
Actually, he can. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Edu...evelopment
(23/08/2012 01:06 PM)Funky Buddah Wrote: Also, what are your thoughts on false accusations of rape? I read on some site o something, a feminist site, that false accusations of rape are useful. They make the men think "whether they could really rape that woman".
Only nutcases think like that. Those feminist were nutcases. It's nutcases like that, that make it harder for women who have actually been raped. Plus, most rape cases go unreported because of shame and embarrassment, and the fear they'll be accused of "asking for it", or being emasculated (if it's a man).
(23/08/2012 01:06 PM)Funky Buddah Wrote: Also, found a pic on 4chin SUCK this morning. Some forum, where a woman was talking about how she married a guy who had 3 kids from first marriage, was happy, then they got another kid. She had to go to work as well, the man is working his donkey off and comes home late or something. She is all tired and wants a divorce. Openly discusses with a few other women (who are encouraging her) whether she should divorce him now or wait, cause she not only wants the house and financial support but also a part of his inheritance. The fudge?
Golddigger. Plain and simple.
23/08/2012 01:50 PM |
Smart Alternative
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RE: Are women being opressed
I'm surprised that if the "victim" admitted to committing perjury that she got off without any penalty.
(23/08/2012 06:02 AM)DataKRASH Wrote: I feel sorry for Brian, since it is hard for convicted felons to get jobs, even though he was innocent, but Brian can still go back to school and get his GED, and then go to college. It won't be a university, but he can still study something for a career.
I think the main problem is the first part. Western society puts way too much (IMO) into reputation - if yours is tarnished in any way, expect life to be difficult regardless of whether you deserved it or not.
(23/08/2012 01:06 PM)Funky Buddah Wrote: Also, what are your thoughts on false accusations of rape? I read on some site o something, a feminist site, that false accusations of rape are useful. They make the men think "whether they could really rape that woman".
Also, found a pic on 4chin SUCK this morning. Some forum, where a woman was talking about how she married a guy who had 3 kids from first marriage, was happy, then they got another kid. She had to go to work as well, the man is working his donkey off and comes home late or something. She is all tired and wants a divorce. Openly discusses with a few other women (who are encouraging her) whether she should divorce him now or wait, cause she not only wants the house and financial support but also a part of his inheritance. The fudge?
You really can't assume anecdotal cases as a general situation.
Rape is a bit of a tricky case. By its nature, there often aren't witnesses other than the two people involved, and turns out to be a 'he-said she-said' type argument. Even the conditions are a little shaky (what constitutes lack of consent?) and also, as mentioned, I'm sure many cases go unreported. I bet there's plenty of wrongly judged cases here. It's just a shame that there isn't much recourse for when it does occur.
I think the comparison is a bit off, but it's somewhat difficult to put a case like Brian's into the media spotlight. I wouldn't call it anything really to do with gender inbalance, but something like a 'hardcore female gamer' is 'unusual' (to the general public at least) which is what gets the press (not the fact that it is a female).
23/08/2012 03:20 PM |
The Forbidden One
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RE: Are women being opressed
24/08/2012 03:41 AM |
Funky Buddah
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RE: Are women being opressed
Did they laugh about a guy whose penis was chopped off? Good God! I feel really sorry about him, I mean, even thinking about it, gahsagh ;_;
I really think that women are dominating right now, because I bet if I was for some reason on that show, and told them that they were cunts, they would never know the pain and embarrassment, and that she shouldn't have done that just because he asked for a divorce, I would be hammered, sued and would be serving time for "attacking a protected group". Fuck. I am afraid to get a girlfriend now.

24/08/2012 08:37 AM |
Too Small to Fail
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RE: Are women being opressed
(24/08/2012 08:37 AM)Funky Buddah Wrote: I really think that women are dominating right now
Women aren't dominating anything. You're being paranoid for no reason. Out of the 204 Sovereign Nations in the world, only 14 of them are ran by women. Which is about 6.86% of the world.
Plus, women ARE being oppressed in some Third World countries, but not in the First World.
Also, in America, there's still this debate of what a woman can and can't do with her own body. But overall, things for women just are fine IMO.
It's a talk show. It's entertainment. No one really takes those dumb daytime talk shows with a bunch of old hens clucking seriously anyway.
That woman would still serve time for doing such a thing.
24/08/2012 10:00 AM |
Funky Buddah
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RE: Are women being opressed
Well, at least in the EU you are pretty fudgeed if you offend a woman due to gender.

24/08/2012 10:09 AM |