Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Are women being opressed
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[Image: 2jfhpw5.jpg]

I don't think hiding what Anita wants funding for is gonna help.

She's raising funds to do a web series called "Tropes vs. Women in Video Games" - as you might have guessed, she's a feminist who wants to explore the exploitation of women in video games.

Her successful funding is far from surprising because her promo video for the campaign was bashed my lots of "men" who hate her but inadvertently generated a lot of interest in what she's doing, resulting in her funding, most likely by men who feel sorry for her and women who feel like she needs to do this... and feel sorry for her.

While seeing that Brian Banks' campaign isn't doing too great isn't nice to see, it's not a fair comparison.
Point is, she wants money to make a fudgeing web series. He needs money to be able to buy food. He was basically raped by the feminists. Also, the victim admitted that she lied.
I feel for Brian Banks. But like Sensei said this is an unfair comparison.

There's a lot of stupid things being funded on Kickstarter. Funding her gaming habit is pretty stupid but hey it's their money and there are  a lot of idiots out there with money so what can you do?

 besides getting really angry

[Image: 7619451560_2371b4cffb_b.jpg]
What happened to him doesn't change the fact that he shouldn't be using Kickstarter for a serious matter such as his. It's not really meant for that.

Also note that Anita only asked for $6,000. No idea why on earth people continued to pledge.

I can see the point you're trying to make but it's only valid to a certain extent. Feminists do try to get away with more than they should be able to though.

Edit: The lack of older games in the picture above annoys me :p
No, I am.

And yes, they are in the grand scheme of things... But I am a male, and could say I do't mind it.
Senseito7 Wrote: [ -> ]Edit: The lack of older games in the picture above annoys me :p

What was the point of this anyway?

apart from showing the fact that the vlogger gets more than she wanted than a suffering guy who doesn't get any help
I take it this guy was sentenced in one of the 24 states that don't pay compensation to people wrongly imprisoned then.

I think it should be all states or no states, not just some states.

There never seems to be any consistency with regards to law etc across states in the USA which completely baffles me considering the way the US preaches about equality etc.
I feel sorry for Brian, since it is hard for convicted felons to get jobs, even though he was innocent, but Brian can still go back to school and get his GED, and then go to college.  It won't be a university, but he can still study something for a career.

As for women being oppressed. Definitely not in the First World.

And what Lunar said.  If people rather give their money to some woman who wants to rant about the supposed "exploitation" of women in video games (though, I don't know why she would need money for that, even so, she would have no problem getting a job), let them.  And no, no one can do anything about it, unless they have $40,000 to give to Brian in this case, but apparently, it's too late.
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