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ZiNgA's Quick Review thread
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Post: #371
RE: ZiNgA's Quick Review thread
I don't care about sharing my views on anime.

10/06/2011 10:19 AM
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Post: #372
RE: ZiNgA's Quick Review thread
(10/06/2011 04:21 AM)Assassinator Wrote:  
(07/06/2011 09:24 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:  Kara no Kyoukai

So how would you rank the movies?

For me, 5 >> 7 ≥ 6 = 3 > 1 ≥ 2 = 4... something like that.
Don't really have a rank.
1 wasn't the best starter IMO, since it throws you into some weird ghost story and the characters seem to be drawing logical ideas of the situation whilst the viewer doesn't really know what's exactly going on until the end.
2 kinda got me interested.
3 was okay, better than 1 IMO, perhaps because you have some idea of what's going on.
4 was mostly a developmental story, and was okay IMO.
5, being long, had a bit more plot and action, probably the most interesting out of the bunch.  Somewhat also the climactic episode.
6 seemed to make more sense than 1 and 3, so more enjoyable - though this could be because it's seen later.  Also not really full of gore unlike some other episodes.
7 was average IMO, don't really like some of the things near the end.

(10/06/2011 04:21 AM)Assassinator Wrote:  
(07/06/2011 09:24 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:  Apart from that, I personally am not a fan of a number of things they did in the show (such as purposely leave out details that the characters know to get the audience to figure those out).

A number of times they cut off conversations at important parts, the viewer having to figure out what was said from later actions.  Also the characters' reasonings don't exactly make plain sense to the viewer.

Kampfer's only good for the first 3 episodes.  After that, it's mostly poo poo.  Episode 8 and maybe the end of episode 11 would be the less-than-poo poo parts.
The 2 episode OVA isn't much better.
(This post was last modified: 13/06/2011 02:13 AM by ZiNgA BuRgA.)
13/06/2011 02:13 AM
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Post: #373
RE: ZiNgA's Quick Review thread
(13/06/2011 02:13 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:  Kampfer's only good for the first 3 episodes.  After that, it's mostly poo poo.  Episode 8 and maybe the end of episode 11 would be the less-than-poo poo parts.
The 2 episode OVA isn't much better.

Episode 8?  (checks), oh, that episode about the date with Shizuku.  My reaction to that episode can be summarized with FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUU... and this thread.

That Natsuru....  And while in other shows, thick protags often man up and become better in the end, this guy just ends up getting manipulated like a tool to the very end.

(10/06/2011 04:36 AM)S7* Wrote:  
(10/06/2011 04:34 AM)Assassinator Wrote:  Gonna finish off Shukufuku no Campanella

Seriously? I dropped that spoon after a single episode.

Finished Shukufuku no Campanella.  On a whole, I thought it wasn't too bad, exceeded my expectations anyway (my expectations were quite low).  It's one of these shows that start off weak and gets better.  Also, it's not a harem show like the impression it gives at the start.  It's mostly happy slice of life, some fanservice, and some action and drama scattered but mostly towards the end.  6/10 or something like that.

Towards the middle of the stuff I've watched recently.  Of the stuff I've watched recently, Madoka ≥ 12 Kingdoms > Bakemonogatari > Index2 > Shukufuku no Campanella > Infinite Stratos ≥ Highschool of the Dead >> Kampfer.

Gonna watch Clannad now and finish Oreimo afterwards.  Then I plan on finishing Fortune Arterial.  Screw waiting for the VN translation, FA isn't known to be that good anyway, and I can easily name 10 better VNs that I haven't read yet.
(This post was last modified: 26/06/2011 11:32 PM by Assassinator.)
13/06/2011 07:03 AM
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Post: #374
RE: ZiNgA's Quick Review thread
Ok, watched some stuff during the holidays.

Now school's started again so not much time to waste any more.

Queen's Blade - Successor to the Throne.  Watched this because I watched the first season (which end out of nowhere).  Lets be honest, noone should be expecting any sort of awesome story out of this show, this season however, was more engaging, and less retarded than the first season.  But I correctly predicted the outcomes of every fight except for 1, and that's not a good thing.  6/10.

Hidan no Aria.  You have Sherlock Holmes fighting Arsene Lupin, and then there's Joan of Arc and they all team up to fight Dracula... wtf I don't know lol.  Ignoring that, the story progression is also pretty unrealistic (I'm on your side, next episode, I'm trying to kill you, few eps later, I'm on your side... now I'm trying to kill you again).  I have to add too that Aria (main girl) is an annoying little bitch.  But hey it's better than Kampfer at least.  4/10.

Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls.  Don't know what to say, there's girls fighting, and lots of nudity, and the ending was decent.  Otherwise nothing too spectacular.  6/10.

Macross - Do you Remember Love?.  Very old anime movie which is a recap and alternate version of the (even older) original Macross TV anime, because the original anime is too slow for me.  For an anime made in 1984, I think the graphics is quite amazing, except for the faces, which suck.  7.5/10.

Ar Tonelico.  What the fuck I don't know what to say.  This isn't about bad adaptations (I've played the game too), this is about making up something completely random.  Oh, did I mention you'll fall off if you stand on top of (read: outside) an airship traveling way fucking fast?  3/10.

Rozen Maiden - Overture.  2 episode OVA series about the history between Shinku and Suigintou.  Better than both the first and second season imo, I'm glad I decided to watch this, it improved my overall view of the Rozen Maiden series a bit (first season is dumb, second season wasn't great either).  Oh yeah, Jun is still a useless waste of air.  7/10.

G-Senjou no Maou.  (The name comes from Bach's Air, not what you had in mind).  Written by the same person who wrote Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo (which is superior to this).  I'm not going to waste time writing up an overview of the story itself, go to vndb for that.

Story = 8.5 - 1 = 7.5/10. The major problem I have with the story is that many parts just scream out "it's just a story" - they play out too conveniently to be considered realistic.  And I thought the whole chapter 5 (true route chapter) wasn't very logically sound at all.  Besides for that, it's pretty consistent (that is, interesting and not boring) the whole way, and there are some great parts, like this scene, which is beautiful.  In terms of routes, Kanon > Tsubaki > Mizuha (nothing really happens in Mizuha's route).  The true route is supposed to hit you very hard at the end according to everyone, except it didn't really work too well on me :\.
Art = 7/10.  Art's decent, improved from Sharin.  Some places look strange though, and how those cloths stick to the body is totally unnatural...
Music = 9/10.  Most of the soundtrack is made up of remixes of classical pieces.  You expect it to be great and it is.
Overall = 7.5/10.  Overall somewhat disappointed, compared to my expectations.

Oh yeah, favourite character is Gonzou, favourite girl is Yuki, (both of whom are side characters).  Also, Eiichi is the best comic relief character ever, I mean this guy pretends to be a cute innocent little schoolboy on the outside, but on the inside he's like this and this.

Most people seems to think this is a masterpiece however.  If you the kind of person who don't think too deeply into stuff I guess.
[Image: gsen_ratings_28-07-11.png]

(13/06/2011 07:03 AM)Assassinator Wrote:  Gonna watch Clannad now and finish Oreimo afterwards.  Then I plan on finishing Fortune Arterial.

... hah, that worked out well.... stuff I say about what anime I'm going to watch end up being false like 95% of the time.
(This post was last modified: 06/09/2011 06:44 AM by Assassinator.)
29/07/2011 02:33 AM
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Smart Alternative

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Post: #375
RE: ZiNgA's Quick Review thread
Raising rating for The World God Only Knows to 3.5 stars, although I prefer the first season over the second.
I realised it's a bit more enjoyable than I thought.
As for the second season, it seems the story structure is very similar to the first - to the episode in fact.  They did try a few changes, but it seems largely the same.

Kore wa Zombie Desuka OVA is decent.

Tears to Tiara
Somewhat childish in a number of regards - I probably would've enjoyed this more if I were 8 years younger.
Didn't particularly like the beginning or end, but middle is okay.
Story itself was otherwise okay.
2.5 stars
01/08/2011 05:48 PM
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Post: #376
RE: ZiNgA's Quick Review thread
Yes. I also preferred the first season over the second. I await the 3rd season with high hopes.

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01/08/2011 09:21 PM
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Post: #377
RE: ZiNgA's Quick Review thread
is no one watching Beelzebub?
tiger and bunny
Kaiji s2

by the way on a Side note Coalgirls did some testing of 10Bit encode testing.

Mainly they recoded Bakemonogatari

dropped like 3gb of the 720p encodes. though requires beta codecs plus they fixed other episode issues they had before.

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(This post was last modified: 01/08/2011 10:05 PM by squee666.)
01/08/2011 10:00 PM
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Post: #378
RE: ZiNgA's Quick Review thread
Yeah I'm still keeping up with Beelzebub. It's not terrible. Kaiji looks interesting but I need to see the first season.

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(This post was last modified: 01/08/2011 10:02 PM by eKusoshisut0.)
01/08/2011 10:02 PM
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Post: #379
RE: ZiNgA's Quick Review thread
(01/08/2011 10:00 PM)squee666 Wrote:  by the way on a Side note Coalgirls did some testing of 10Bit encode testing.

Mainly they recoded Bakemonogatari

dropped like 3gb of the 720p encodes. though requires beta codecs plus they fixed other episode issues they had before.

10-bit already discussed here...

Also, Coalgirls wasn't the first, 1/2 a year too late to be that.
01/08/2011 10:52 PM
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Grand Warlock

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Post: #380
RE: ZiNgA's Quick Review thread
yeh but only recently decoder packs are updating to it.

its nice to see a size difference with same qality thanks to those 2 bits.

image 10bit psp encodes they woudl be smaallllll

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02/08/2011 12:12 AM
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