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Firmware advice please
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Neophitic Presence

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Post: #1
Firmware advice please
Hey everyone,

Sorry if this isn't quite in the right section, though i think i got it right.

I purchased a psp today its:

PSP 3004
System Software 6.00

And i want to get something to play iso files, like Prometheus or something of the sort.

Problem is I've been trying to read up, but there are so many different versions of the softwares and so many variations that i am really afraid to brick the thing by installing the wrong one.

Not sure if i need to provide any extra info, so if i missed something sorry.

If someone just could point me into the right direction i would very much appreciate it, it doesn't have to play the very newest games, heck i would be happy if i could just play dissidia and some games of that recentness lol.

Thank you.
(This post was last modified: 26/03/2011 08:11 AM by makaronas.)
26/03/2011 08:09 AM
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Post: #2
RE: Firmware advice please
GO on this thread

First you have to upgrade to 6.20 OFW

Then open up the Total_Noob's 6.20 Hen section and upgrade to that..

Then you will need to download aloader v1.25 (Download Here.)

To run ISO's

Ohh and If you want to turn 6.20 TN-D to a full CFW you have to use this patch

6.20 TN-D Permanent Patch Google it and you will see it.

[Image: pluginslist2.png]
(This post was last modified: 26/03/2011 08:31 AM by bsanehi.)
26/03/2011 08:22 AM
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Neophitic Presence

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Post: #3
RE: Firmware advice please
Umm ok im having some issues.

I got the files, put them all into the psp, i run it, and it does that flashy loading logo, then the screen goes dark and eventually the psp shuts it self off. i turn it on but it still shows the old firmware.

what am i doing wrong now >.<" god i hate being this n00b

Ty for the help bsanehi by the way.

And what does TN-D and CFW mean lol, sorry for the stupid question but yeah lol, im not very good at this. Im good with computers but consoles are my bane lol

Just to clarify:

Now i have these folders:
On root:

And then in PSP i copied in the game and the themes dirs.. maybe i put stuff in wrong places, but that's what the readme seemed to say
(This post was last modified: 26/03/2011 08:57 AM by makaronas.)
26/03/2011 08:37 AM
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Post: #4
RE: Firmware advice please
(26/03/2011 08:37 AM)makaronas Wrote:  Umm ok im having some issues.

I got the files, put them all into the psp, i run it, and it does that flashy loading logo, then the screen goes dark and eventually the psp shuts it self off. i turn it on but it still shows the old firmware.

what am i doing wrong now >.<" god i hate being this n00b

Ty for the help bsanehi by the way.

And what does TN-D and CFW mean lol, sorry for the stupid question but yeah lol, im not very good at this. Im good with computers but consoles are my bane lol

CFW = Custom Firmware/Update ...... OFW = Official firmware/Update

TN-D = Tootal_Noob's Custom Firmware ...... D = version.

OK here is a more easy step by step.

1: Download this 6.20 OFW Here.
2: Extract the file.
3: Now go to your PSP/GAME folder and make a new folder called UPDATE.
4: Copy the EBOOT.PBP you just extracted to the UPDATE folder.
5: Now go on your PSP and run the 6.20 OFW.
6: Now Go on the Total_Noob's 6.20 Hen thread and do it again.

[Image: pluginslist2.png]
(This post was last modified: 26/03/2011 09:02 AM by bsanehi.)
26/03/2011 08:56 AM
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Neophitic Presence

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Post: #5
RE: Firmware advice please
Thanks again for the help.

Battery low for the firmware update **headbangs desk** so will have to wait till it charges up, but should be ok now, didn't think of updating to the 6.20 firmware before doing it.

I'll get back if i screw up something again but hopefully it'll go ok lol.

Ty for baring with my noobiness lol
26/03/2011 09:07 AM
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Neophitic Presence

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Post: #6
RE: Firmware advice please
Very sorry for double posting, i know i can edit, but since bsanehi probably read my last post and anyone else who did, and editing doesn't rehighlight.

I got the firmware to work finally, it shows the system as 6.20 TN-D

My question is with the aloader 1.25 now, i copied it into the set plugs folder and renamed the vhs file, now it says ms0:/seplugins/aLoader/aloader_vsh.prx 1, i removed the older entry though have it backed up. also found some video that says to add ms0:/seplugins/aLoader/aloader_game.prx 1 to game.txt so did that too, but hasn't helped much.

Then i restart the psp, run the 6.20 TN-D but when i try to get the iso to start up it says Corrupted data, though i can load up the ISO fine on the pc, so my question would be what am i doing wrong?
(This post was last modified: 26/03/2011 09:56 AM by makaronas.)
26/03/2011 09:46 AM
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Post: #7
RE: Firmware advice please
(26/03/2011 09:46 AM)makaronas Wrote:  Very sorry for double posting, i know i can edit, but since bsanehi probably read my last post and anyone else who did, and editing doesn't rehighlight.

I got the firmware to work finally, it shows the system as 6.20 TN-D

My question is with the aloader 1.25 now, i copied it into the set plugs folder and renamed the vhs file, now it says ms0:/seplugins/aLoader/aloader_vsh.prx 1, i removed the older entry though have it backed up. also found some video that says to add ms0:/seplugins/aLoader/aloader_game.prx 1 to game.txt so did that too, but hasn't helped much.

Then i restart the psp, run the 6.20 TN-D but when i try to get the iso to start up it says Corrupted data, though i can load up the ISO fine on the pc, so my question would be what am i doing wrong?

You can put as many entry to VSH txt file just make sure it's like this....

ms0:/seplugins/aLoader/aloader_vsh.prx 1
ms0:/seplugins/example/example.prx 1
ms0:/cxmb/cxmb.prx 1

1 = ON  ....... 0 = OFF

And make sure the TXT file is named vsh and not _vsh and I don't  think you need a game txt for the aloader...

Make Sure your ISO's are in the ISO folder in the Root of your memory if you don't have one make one.

Also go to the aloader menu by pressing and holding L-Trigger, then aLoader shows a menu

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(This post was last modified: 26/03/2011 10:10 AM by bsanehi.)
26/03/2011 10:03 AM
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Neophitic Presence

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Post: #8
RE: Firmware advice please
Oki got everything to work just fine ^^ Thanks for everything bsanehi. Problem was with the iso placement cause i put it to games instead of the iso, the areader really needs a read me file with it lol.
27/03/2011 04:21 AM
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Post: #9
RE: Firmware advice please
No problem.
If you ever need any more help don't hesitate to pm. :)

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27/03/2011 06:12 AM
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Paradoxical Absurdity

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Post: #10
RE: Firmware advice please
Awsome this should be a tut, not many people know what to do much since PSPWIKI by Dark_Alex is gone...
27/03/2011 07:21 PM
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