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6.35Custom v9 Released!
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Paradoxical Absurdity

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Post: #1
6.35Custom v9 Released!
[Image: xmb.png]

PSP Developer neur0n released 6.35Custom v9!

This custom firmware is only for PSP-2000 (non-TA088v3) models!

Don't install this Custom Firmware on a PSPgo/3000/1000 or you'll brick your PSP.

He added now the NP9660 Driver.

Quote:Add NP9660_Driver.

Download! UL,X7,SO,MU

Note: I'm always writing News for EP,I would be happy for some reputation.

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(This post was last modified: 06/02/2011 07:35 AM by flofrucht.)
06/02/2011 03:36 AM
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Post: #2
RE: 6.35Custom v9 Released!

I like shaplayer's thread more -.-

flofrucht, you're always posting links where you get money from clicks. There is also a possibility to upload the files as an attachment (as long the server doesn't die from it)

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06/02/2011 04:51 AM
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Paradoxical Absurdity

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Post: #3
RE: 6.35Custom v9 Released!
No,i have also a megaupload mirror.

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06/02/2011 07:35 AM
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Grey Ghost
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Post: #4
RE: 6.35Custom v9 Released!
its getting better...
06/02/2011 03:14 PM
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Post: #5
RE: 6.35Custom v9 Released!
(06/02/2011 07:35 AM)flofrucht Wrote:  No,i have also a megaupload mirror.

How about using It provides more than one mirror and wee don't have to click on your *own* ~click for money~ links.
By the way that's not the point. I mentioned the attachment system of this forum. I hope Zinga Burga won't kill me for promoting server attachments for free :P

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07/02/2011 05:01 AM
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