On another note, Amaterasu just finished translating the first 1/3 of MLA.
EDIT: Some partial patch which translates 1 more route for Little Busters was out sometime last week. LB is written by Key (Kanon, Clannad), so some of you Key fan might be interested, though I'll personally choose MLA any day.
EDIT2: May as well...
... New VN TL Status dump ripped from /jp/. At least 2/3 of the shit in that list are pretty much dead though.
Spoiler for wall of text:
Visual Novel translation status
11eyes - Trial patch out
Akatsuki no Goei- common route fully translated, as well as bits of the character routes (8610 lines translated total). was mentioned in a C&D sent out to another game
Alice parade - another project by the guy doing Pantsu wo Miseru koto, Sore ga
Apathy Midnight Collection Vol. 1 - 8 of 11 arcs translated, should be done by November
Achocolatea no Kimi to Autame Ni - 5/117 scripts translated, new translator joined
Baldr Sky - Translation ongoing
Cartagra - Translation is pretty much finished, QC/beta next
Concerto Note - C&D, continuing, translation at 16%
Danzai no Maria -The Exorcism of Maria- being translated.
Devils Devel Concept- 25%
Entomic Impurity- 33%, translator back
Fate/Hollow Ataraxia- A messy snapshot patch released. Project 43.4% translated
>Flyable Heart -48864/73560 (66.43%) lines translated, partial patch may be released soon
Fortune Arterial- 33 of 122 scripts translated
Galaxy Angel: Moonlit Lovers - 5533/25429 non battle script lines translated, plus ~40% of the battle quotes (that are from GA1)
>Gore Screaming Show- Possible C&D recieved, continuing, 2485/37383 (6.647%) lines translated
G-Senjou no Maou- Total:1465.17/1811.40 KB (80.89%), QC ongoing
Hakuoki ~Shinsengumi Kitan~ - Prologue patch out, Expects to release the next partial patch in a month or two
Hatsukoi- 66.2571% translated
Higurashi Daybreak - being translated
>Hinomaru- 3% translated
>Himekishi Lilia- "I don't see anymore reason besides a dedication of time (I will probably be playing New Vegas ALL wed for example) that it won't be released end of the week."
Honey Coming- Prologue 100% translated, Common route atleast 20% with progress being made. Yuma Shichiri's route 5% translated
>Hoshizora no Memoria - 6% translated
Ikusa Megami Zero - New project starting up, C&D, continuing.
Imouto Ijime - 50.1% translated
>Katahane- 25659/32287 lines (79.47%) translated, both Shirohane chapters are fully translated
Kara no Shoujo - 100% translated, edited, and hacked, may be released officially
Killer Queen - 97 % translated 11312/13378/13785lines
Kizuato - 182/246 scripts translated
Lamento ~Beyond the Void~ -4%
Lamia no Baai - ~1/7th of the game translated
LILITH-IZM03- 75% patch out
>Little Busters - ~70%, new patch released with Komari's route
Love Plus- Dialogue translation: 25.8%
>Majikoi- Prologue patch out, Yukie route TL progress: 21%
Misleet- 90% translated
M&M Enchanting Magic & Sweet Charms- 61%
>Muv Luv full patch released - Alt progress - 637.3KB/2737.28 KB (21.37%) Muv Luv overall (Ex/Un/Alt) progress, 3153.52/ 5253.50 KB (60.03%) translated
>Never 7 - 10 of 97 scripts translated
>Osananajimi wa Daitouryou ~My girlfriend is the President.~ Translation/Editing 100%, QC 53.5%
Pantsu wo Miseru koto, Sore ga - 2 scripts translated, C&D, continuing
Popotan- still going very slow, but image editing is nearly finished
Princess Maker 5- 13.75%, image translation 100%, editing underway
Princess Nightmare - Translator said the project is still active, but very slow, nearly 50% translated
>Prision Battleship 2 - 38% translated
Pure Pure The Story of Ears and Tails- Sachi Patch released, 60.92% translated, tenative goal to finish translating by the end of November
>Rin ga Utau, Mirai no Ne-iro- Being translated
Sa.Na.Ra.Ra - 5 completed scripts
School Days- Translation at 100%, chapters 1-3 released, project reconized by 0verflow, episode 4 in alpha
Seinarukana - Prologue and Chapter 1 translated, translation at 9.1%, image editing mostly complete, chapter 2 translation almost complete
Sensei Da-isuki 2- 20%, still being worked on
Shirotsume Souwa -Episode of the Clovers- about 13% translated
Sin- 50% of episode 1 translated
chocolateai o Arau - Translation started, needs hacking
Sono Hanabira 3 - To begin as soon as 7 is finished
>Sono Hanabira 5 - stalled
Sono Hanabira 7 - 50% translated, plan to finish within the next 2-4 weeks
Sweet Pool- Active translation ongoing
Tenshi No Inai 12-Gatsu-"status: ~translating:active~"
Togainu No Chi- 64.40% translated
To Heart2- 51% - "The final product is still years away unless I get more help. ", Tama-nee alpha patch released, Yuma's route translated
Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side: 2nd Kiss - Translation almost complete
>Tokyo Alice - QC
>Tomoyo After - Some progress, new translator working on it
Touka Gettan: translation status: ~30% translated
Umineko 7 - Translation: 15% Editing: 12%
Under The Moon- "Madame Yes is also still working on her own however on UtM"
Yoakemae Yori Ruriiro Na -picked up by the guy doing Achocolatea no Kimi to Autame Ni, most of the first day translated
Yosuga no Sora - 20% translated
YU-NO- Total: 3468.62/3995.61 KB (86.81%), Prologue patch released, all normal routes translated, translation moving onto the epilogue chapter, Editing at 1530.57/3995.61KB (38.31%)
Official work
>Da Capo: IF - Next release, testing complete
Zaishuu The SiN - Pushed back to focus more on Koihime
Koihime Musou - 1/31/2011 scheduled release, trial out
Da Capo II - Winter
Dear Drops -picked up
Harukoi Otome - Being translated
Unannounced title- translation and editing finished
Ef - Bringing over both the first and latter tale
Ongoing talks with a company whose bread and jam you would not want to eat
Chance they may be bringing over Kara no Shoujo, according to Kouryuu
Picked up a Circus title with gameplay
Two additional teasers (both audio) have yet to be identify
Additionally, random sex romps are scheduled as well
Demonbane- delayed
Jingai Makyou- Not mentioned in their panel
Nitro Royale- being translated
DraKoi- fully fan translated, image editing is finished as well, however scripts are unlikely to be released outside of an official Jast release
Yumina the Ethereal - announced, expected to be released within a year
Sumaga- 77.9%, still being translated, unlikely to be released outside of an official Jast release
Muramasa - Chapter 3 complete, but because it is Nitro+, it is uncertain what will come from the project
Hanachirasu -Fully translated by Makoto, final edits
HgameZ is alive again, possible releases in the future
Kisaragi no Hogyoku- English trial out, now being translated as part of project T0rama
Bible Black Infection- Kitty Media, Oct 26th release date
Upcoming from active fan groups
Some LiarSoft will be done by Ixrec after the Muv Luv saga
Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 3rd Love Plus -- Planned by the translators doing 2
>Stuff like this has been either added or updated since the last thread
(This post was last modified: 27/10/2010 03:32 AM by Assassinator.)
27/10/2010 02:21 AM
Super Lame Productions
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Even though I can't be stuffed posting new releases any more... this is important.
It's here... MLA, completely readable in English since a few days ago.
EDIT: Now properly released, with translated images and stuff. Amaterasu translations home page - http://amaterasu.is.moelicious.be/index.php
Nothing can touch that.
Oh yeah, G-Senjou no Maou was released a few month ago also. It's from the same person who wrote Sharin, and is supposedly pretty good (but Sharin is probably better so go read that instead).
Other than that, Da Capo 2, Hanachirasu, Koihime Musou, and some other stuff have been translated, official or otherwise.
(This post was last modified: 05/09/2011 06:58 PM by Assassinator.)
Ok, overview of translations and stuff this year. Well, at least the stuff I'm aware of.
VNDB ratings given in brackets behind the names. Should probably use EGS ratings, but fuck that, I need to go to VNDB to get cover pics anyway, so easier to use VNDB.
TLWiki projects that came to fruition, you can find patches and stuff over at TLWiki. G-Senjou no Maou (8.75). Features yakuzas and battle of wits and stuff. The epilogue will likely make you cry like a bitch. Katahane (7.77). Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO (8.77). Really old adventure game with insanely high ratings in EGS. Little Busters! (8.83). This is by Key (Kanon, Clannad, AIR). 90% of you people here seem to be Keyfags, so yeah...
Amaterasu Translations projects, find patches here Muv-Luv Alternative (9.38). Title sounds dumb, but this is really amazing. Unfortunately, you have to grind through the whole of the original Muv-Luv (generic harem VN) before this. Shikkoku no Sharnoth (7.82). A Profile (7.38). Drama and stuff, shortish.
Yandere translations finished 3 out of 5 routes of Maji de Watashi ni Koishinasai! (8.71). Disregard the shitty anime, that 8.71 rating means it's probably awesome.
And released a short trial (covers the prolog) of Aiyoku no Eustia (8.53). I wouldn't usually mention trials, but I read it and it's like really amazing.
conman from the Encubed forums translated most of the routes of ToHeart 2 (7.67). Typical moe game, also where those 212312 million Kousaka Tamaki figures come from.
Some guys translated Steins;Gate (9.04). It's Steins Fucking Gate, look at the rating. However the translation is currently unedited so maybe a bit rough.
And some nukiges (there's likely a lot more I'm not aware of)...
Conquering the Queen
Wee Love Master
Yuukuri Panic Escalation
Harem Party
Zaishuu - The Sin
Monster Girl Quest!
For obvious reasons I'm not going to post pics of nukiges here.
And... Baldr Sky full translation... ... ... I fucking wish :( :( :(
(This post was last modified: 28/12/2011 09:35 AM by Assassinator.)
this fanboy kid makes me ashamed to have read Sharin no Kuni, Himawari no Shoujo.
Wed, 19:16:02 - Assassinator
even though Sharin is an excellent VN
Wed, 19:18:13 - Assassinator
ok, since people actually seem to be interested in Katawa Shoujo (I know Aspheric and some other people are also looking forward to it), maybe i should make a post in the VN thread.
(This post was last modified: 04/01/2012 01:37 AM by Assassinator.)
EDIT: Wait WTF, there's like Lelouch in this VN. And the guy from Berserk, and some girl from ToHeart2, Ritsu from K-on. Trolling me.
EDIT2: Removed in the complete release, was only there in the act 1 release.
(This post was last modified: 08/02/2012 05:36 AM by Assassinator.)
04/01/2012 01:31 AM
forced consensual sex
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