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3.80m33-5 not starting / shuuting off right
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RE: 3.80m33-5 not starting / shuuting off right
mattrey94 Wrote:its called a brick

the only problem i had with cfw 380, was the seplugins wouldn't work on it, like joysens and some of the others and also cxmb, i couldn't get them to work, i guess there not made to work with cfw 380, but it not bad, but i like cfw 371 alot better, except, i can't get the irda fuction to work in irshell 3.9, says can't find sirc.prx,i think that's the name
28/01/2008 10:03 PM
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RE: 3.80m33-5 not starting / shuuting off right - pspfreak - 28/01/2008 10:03 PM

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