Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 3.80m33-5 not starting / shuuting off right
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Heya , my 3.80m33-5 does not turn on properly. When i switch the switch the light comes on , but then quickly off. When i switch it again it comes on. I havent had this till i came to this firmware. So i had Used my pandora to go to original 3.80 and it had worked fine.....

On my second  problem .... when i turn off it like flashes 5 times or something...

If anyone else has had this problem please tell me Nana-o
I Have The Problem When It Flashes 5 Times But That's Normal I Think And Not So Sure What's Causing Your PSP To Not Function Properly Maybe Bad ID Storage Keys :D
The part about turning off is normal, as for the turning on part, how long do you hold the switch to turn it on?
What's Id storage keys?
Reflash it back with pandora and try again.
not very long , sometimes it does it at my pace and sometimes it does the problem

Edit : i did try pandoras , did it to original (3.80) it didnt bother me , went back to cfw(3.80m33-5) still does the problem.

Edit (again!) : I think its cause im not holding it in for long enough :P
If it is....... I am so stupid
When turning it on is it coming out of sleep mode when the problem occurs?
Erm i don't think iv been on sleep mode..... how do i get on it?(if that's the problem)
Sleep mode is when you turn your PSP of by just flicking the switch, if you are running homebrew when you do this, it may have some bug that makes the PSP crash when it comes out of sleep mode
I don't think im running any homebrew , no plugins/applications
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