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RE: HowTo - HighRes background pictures on 3.52(M33)
Mr. Shizzy Wrote:If I use this vshmain.prx hack, can I use PSP Filer to move/rename saved wallpaper from Flash1 to Flash0 (01-12.bmp), and show my full res bg, with out corrupting my icons?
The edited value in the vshmain.prx is the filesizesize in bytes of the picturefile from each month. This means everyone of the 12 pictures must have the same filesize as the value describes.
I'm sorry to tell you that you are not able to use your wallpaper as 01-12.bmp because its filesize is 0x36FA05=(391734-bytes) and the maximum size you can use for the backgrounds is 0xFF7F=(32767-bytes), but I'm working on bigger filesizes.
20/08/2007 03:05 AM |