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Full Version: HowTo - HighRes background pictures on 3.52(M33)
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This guide shows you how to activate full 480*272px high resolution
background pictures on firmware 3.52(M33)... (It's only a little bit HexEditing) :wink2:
(If you don't like HexEditing you can download a pre-edited vshmain.prx)

OK.. let's start:
1.)  Take a decrypted vshmain.prx and open it with your favourite HexEditor
      (For Help: Manually decompress PRX's or use prxdecrypter 1.5)
      (Don't forget to make a backup of your original vshmain.prx !!!)

2.)  Goto offset 0x23580 and change the value from
      0x2018(6176 bytes) up to 0xFF7F(32767 bytes)

3.)  Flash the modified vshmain.prx and enjoy your HighRes-Backgrounds
      (maybe recompress it first: PRX compressor for FW3.5x)

Create HighRes-Backgrounds:1.)  Take or create 12 JPEGs, one for each month (size: max. 480*272) and rename it (for Jannuary: 01.jpg).
      (the filesize doesn't matter)

2.)  Download 'JPEG-Encoder' and '0112-creator':
      a) recode your JPEGs with 'JPEG-Encoder' to reduce size and delete metadata
          (the filesize of the resulting JPEG must be less or equal to the value you have edited in your vshmain.prx)
      b) put the xx.jpg's and 0112_creator.exe into the same directory
      c) run '0112_creator.exe [blocksize]' from your console application to create the 01-12.bmp
          (the blocksize is the value you have edited in your vshmain.prx)

3.)  Flash the new 01-12.bmp to 'flash0:/vsh/resource/' and enjoy highres-backgrounds

Guide to avoid white blocks:Simply delete some glows or shadowsin the RCO's or use smaller Backgrounds or Icons.

I hope the future brings
PSP-Themes with HighRes-Backgrounds
Tipp: Don't make your final JPG with Photoshop because it stores
a lot of Metadata in it and this leads to a very big picture(file size).
I've written my own JPEG-Encoder and the resulting pictures have
much better quality at the same size. :yes:
Try GIMP or something like that instead of Photoshop.

Best results with my JPEG-Encoder
  • For very colorized pictures use 'Max Quality' and move the slider to something between '75 - 85'
  • For pictures wich have more than 70% the same color (eg: picture of a Leaf = Green), use 'Max Quality' and move the slider to something between '80 - 95'
could u upload YOUR jpg-compressor, please? :>
I wonder if the applecor theme already impliments this, If so I shouldent bother messing with it.... But I do not think so as I have used a modified skmilkandberrys in the place of the applecors original vshmain.

So I shall experiment with this tomorrow and see if I can get rid of that dumb bug with the last background.

Also It whould be awsome if you could upload you jpeg compressor :P. cause then I could make a custom osx background pack for applecor :P.

By the way thank you for posting your find :D


Ok I just tried this with the applecor theme and it caused all the backgrounds accept the first to go white. I guess it could be the high res xmb causing it. But the backgrounds worked fine before.  Mabey this is because the backgrounds were not formated as you said... Ill keep experimenting. But if you could help me id appreciate it :)
I generally use IrfanView to compress JPEGs.  Just open image in it, then save as JPEG.  Use the quality slider to select the JPEG quality.

I'm just surprised that you're limited to 0xFF7F though - what happens if you use a larger value? (not at home, can't test)
By the way, what applacation can take the 12 high res jpegs and form them into the 01-12.bmp?

I have tried using bmp maker but it gives me a error
thank you. this is awesome!!!
can someone tell me exactly how I make a 01-12.bmp that is nothing but high res bg's?
I'll jus stick to the normal thingie...
would this work if the value was found on 3.40 oea?
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