Funky Buddah
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RE: Are women being opressed
He is in his mid-20's, I don't think you can go to school at that age in the US. Don't live there, so can't say.
Also, what are your thoughts on false accusations of rape? I read on some site o something, a feminist site, that false accusations of rape are useful. They make the men think "whether they could really rape that woman".
Also, found a pic on 4chin SUCK this morning. Some forum, where a woman was talking about how she married a guy who had 3 kids from first marriage, was happy, then they got another kid. She had to go to work as well, the man is working his donkey off and comes home late or something. She is all tired and wants a divorce. Openly discusses with a few other women (who are encouraging her) whether she should divorce him now or wait, cause she not only wants the house and financial support but also a part of his inheritance. The fudge?

23/08/2012 01:06 PM |