amzter Wrote:You can only imagine the struggles each of these children will face on their first day at school.
A: Hey 4real? Get ur donkey over here 4real 4real, right now.
4real: Are u 4real?
A: Yes I am 4real 4real, now how many times do i have to tell u 4real that I'm 4real before u, 4real, get that I'm 4real, 4real.
4real: I'm not comming, 4real.
A: God dammit 4real, I'm going to drag ur donkey then 4real, 4real.
4real: I'm not fudgeing comming 4real, i wear on my name 4real that i 4real will not come 4real unless u go jump off a fudgeing cliff 4real.
A: 4real I'm gonna kick ur donkey so hard 4real, 4real that after I'm done with me u'll be thinking "is this guy is 4real", 4real 4real.
4real: Bring it on 4real. I 4real am going to teach u a lesson 4real this time.
try to figure out which ones are his name "4real", and which ones are just "for real"