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Quote:A couple in New Zealand has got over the disappointment of having their first choice of name for their baby son turned down by naming him after a superhero instead.
New Zealand couple Pat and Sheena Wheaton were stunned when the government registry of births, deaths and marriages informed them that their original choice of 4REAL was unacceptable as it contained a digit. Undeterred, they eventually settled on the name Superman as an alternative.

Officials in New Zealand have been involved in similar disputes before. In the past they have had to intervene to stop parents naming their offspring Satan and Adolf Hitler.

The Wheatons decided to call their son 4Real after seeing an ultrasound image of him. It was then they realised that their baby was "for real". And it seems they are more than just slightly attached to the name. The couple plans on fighting the government’s ruling and insists that they will continue to call the child 4REAL in the privacy of their own home.

Celebrity baby names shamed

The Wheaton’s baby is not the first child to be the recipient of a superhero-related name. Hollywood action star Nicolas Cage named his second child Kal-El, the birth name of Superman. He claimed he had preferred the name Kyle but his wife Alice Kim had insisted on a longer name.

Cage isn’t the only celebrity to bestow an unfortunate name on his young offspring. Celebrity mockney chef Jamie Oliver named his daughter Daisy Boo while A-list celebs Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin famously called their first child Apple. My Name Is Earl star Jason Lee and partner Beth Riesgraf went one better naming their son Pilot Inspektor. You can only imagine the struggles each of these children will face on their first day at school.

source:msn news
lol, 4real as a name :P
would anyone want to be called that?
I feel so sorry for that poor child....
Some people just shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.
amzter Wrote:You can only imagine the struggles each of these children will face on their first day at school.

A: Hey 4real? Get ur donkey over here 4real 4real, right now.
4real: Are u 4real?
A: Yes I am 4real 4real, now how many times do i have to tell u 4real that I'm 4real before u, 4real, get that I'm 4real, 4real.
4real: I'm not comming, 4real.
A: God dammit 4real, I'm going to drag ur donkey then 4real, 4real.
4real: I'm not fudgeing comming 4real, i wear on my name 4real that i 4real will not come 4real unless u go jump off a fudgeing cliff 4real.
A: 4real I'm gonna kick ur donkey so hard 4real, 4real that after I'm done with me u'll be thinking "is this guy is 4real", 4real 4real.
4real: Bring it on 4real. I 4real am going to teach u a lesson 4real this time.

try to figure out which ones are his name "4real", and which ones are just "for real"
lol....image what would happen if our real names were our usernames from EP.
Peacefully Disturbed Wrote:Some people just shouldn't be allowed to reproduce.
lol i guess its just the future... what about Paris Hilton. double you tee eff, Paris, that's a city not a name. But its accepted now isn't it
i bet soon people is going to be naming their babies brand names. i got dibs on Playstation!
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