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Kingdom Hearts: BBS Final Mix English Translation v1.0.3 by Truthkey (
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RE: Kingdom Hearts: BBS Final Mix English Translation v1.0.3 by Truthk
Hello, I'm almost done with patching this, but I seem to be stuck on this part:
Quote:12- Before repacking the ISO, go to EXTRA folder in the patching package and take the "EBOOT.OLD" there and replace it with the one in your ISO. Why? Well, without that nothing would work.
I'm under the impression that I should see/look for a "EBOOT.OLD" inside my ISO, but I can't seem to find it.

I kinda don't want to make a mistake right now since I'm almost done, so I thought I should ask here.
28/05/2011 07:05 PM
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RE: Kingdom Hearts: BBS Final Mix English Translation v1.0.3 by Truthk - excella1221 - 28/05/2011 07:05 PM

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