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Visual Novel Recommendations ?
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Able One

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RE: Visual Novel Recommendations ?
(10/04/2011 05:27 PM)Assassinator Wrote:  Ok...

1. What kind of stuff do want?

    Happy happy slice of life stuff?
    Srsbsns stuff?
    Traditional fall in love with cute girls stories?
    Sob stories like Clannad?
    Depressing stuff?
    Or maybe just something to fap to?
2. Can you read Japanese?  (Because that opens up a whole lot more options).

1: Slice of life , romance , ..... fap stuff for the lols, i often play those kinds with my gf .

(10/04/2011 05:27 PM)Assassinator Wrote:  If you're playing F/SN for ero, you should stop now.  Firstly, the ero there is bad.  Secondly, the ero there is less than 5% of the whole thing.  And, F/SN is very very long (>50hrs), you really don't want to spend all that time just to get a handful of crappy ero scenes.
Yeah , i was sorely dissapointed.
2: unfortunately i can't read Japanese , buy I'm learning or at least trying to .  
So anything you'd recommend i'd like to know Woo
(This post was last modified: 10/04/2011 06:13 PM by Yuki.N.)
10/04/2011 06:11 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Visual Novel Recommendations ? - Yuki.N - 10/04/2011, 04:45 PM
RE: Visual Novel Recommendations ? - Kana - 11/04/2011, 05:10 AM

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