Going for trophies def changed my gameplay,. often looking at walktrough's and trophie guides,. to spot missable trophies or to find out about glitches wich can be usefull,.
My most enjoyable Platinum trophie was Bayonetta, Darksiders and Ratchet and clank a crack in time,. :)
Trophies i prob nevar get are,. Beat ziko>> wipe-outHD(32.10 >>31.80 grr) and the plat,. hehe
Also some online trophies for certain games i leave open,.
i had have to say some games make very good use of the trophie system and def add some spice to the game,.
some games you are stuck with rediculous achievements to get a trophie,.. asuming you would play the game for years,. O_o (or if a game aint any fun,....)