Sparker Wrote:The only catchy song is the battle song.
Also where's the crystal song and main theme of FF?
The story line is only1/2 of the game,. there will be more catchy songs,.
Why are people bitching about Vanille's voice,.
i love all characters and got them all at lv.5 lv.10 Crystarium
the only enoying thing/s are the hoplite's
Wait untill you get to chapter 11!! the Archylte Steppe is hughe!!
The battle system is perfect!! whot do you expect,. ! and you have to make great use of the paradigm's!! although when you are facing a very weak enemie its kinda lame,. setting paradigm agression and only click auto battle,. but not to worry there are enemies with a hp over 16.000.000,.
anyway,. i just love the game!! BEST GAME EVAR!
but also makes me want to play FFIX again,. ;p
i have just tried this:
Did't work for a few tries but then when i tried again the first Death spell i casted Neochu went down just like that,.
and i got my Growth Egg wich i upgraded to 2x lv.*
this is mission 55 but you need mission 14 first(to ride a chocobo) and defeat Barthandelus in Oerba first(chapter 11)
To unlock mission 14 you need to unlock mission 13, 12, 5&7 anyway former mission's,.
Growth Egg doubles the cp earned after a fight,.
most catchy song: Riding a Chocobo,.