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Assassinator Wrote:Goshi Wrote:metal_gear08 Wrote:Well, even if you don't like FPS's, you could probably still get excited by Halo Wars....
I'm not a huge fan of RTS games either. When it comes to strategy I like Turn based. Like with FPS games though, RTS games are pretty good in multiplayer.
Well, i like the fast moving RTS, like Starcraft, Warcraft 3. I don't like RTS that takes like 5hrs for a game.
As for turned based strategy, there isn't many PC ones. I pretty much game solely on PC. But i also play emulation quite a bit, and I played quite a lot of the GBA ones on emulator, and some SNES ones.
you know since you are a Fate/Stay Night fan you could try Battle Moon Wars. I haven't been able to get it since the doujin site I get stuff from is down =(
Starcraft and Warcraft 3 are the only RTS games I play actually >_>
I don't mind long rounds though.
08/06/2007 12:59 AM |