Who can have the most randomest conversation!
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Able One

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Post: #60
RE: Who can have the most randomest conversation!
Person 1: Hot singles in your area - they're waiting
Person 2: Who is waiting
Person 2: Publix. Lol. If you make the u sound like an "you"
Person 1: Waffle House brawls with Kid Rock
Person 1: Pasty out this morning isn't it private I thinks I'll be eat'n me some grits with Vietnamese children in it
Person 2: Have you ever noticed that like when people don't finish their sentences and like...
Person 1: Really is that so I never really.... So how's the kids
Person 2: *Pulls out PSP and Rick Rolls person 1*
Person 1: Have you ever like been in a relationship with a pirate and find out that the game Monopoly takes too long to play
Person 2: Yeah I know right. Like one day I was in a rug store and this dude like died.
Person 1: DETROIT - enough said
Person 2: I know the biscuits are just not making the cut in Birmingham anymore
Person 1: Saltier water sinks below less salty water
Person 2: Wooooo. You move that ink cartridge up and down like that. You dirty little ink cartridge you. There's more paper where that came from
Person 1: Have you ever met a somebody for two seconds and then said: I want to give this person my kidney
Person 2: STFU. I buy my TG Lee milk from Wal-Mart not the Goodwill
Person 1: Your just mad that my schnitzel stretches from A-Z on a key board. That's right I'm a delicatessen.
Person 2: Suck it

Yes I know you could care less, but my avatar is actually a picture of my PSP.
[Image: Sig.gif]
Zing Burg
If it weren't for Team-GEN the PSP scene would have died at a few months ago - Thank you to Team GEN for keeping it alive
(This post was last modified: 05/11/2009 07:27 PM by yammata684.)
05/11/2009 07:26 PM
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RE: Who can have the most randomest conversation! - yammata684 - 05/11/2009 07:26 PM
Thread Revived!!! - Necro-Bot - 22/07/2009, 12:02 PM
Thread Revived!!! - Necro-Bot - 14/10/2009, 03:44 PM

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