ChrisHighwind Wrote:I guess everyone here must use PSP-1000 models, 'cause I could swear the 1.50 kernel doesn't work on slims.
DarK_Alex released LEDA V2, which allows 150k brew on SLIM PSP, but it is not compatible with anything other than 5.00 M33.
Although you can always use E-Loader on GEN to load 150k brew.
nicodemus82 Wrote:okay so, I finally decided to try 5.50GEN firmware and my conclusion is ..... I don't like it.
first of all I had to give up my 1.50 brew which I didn't really want to but, I guess I can live without it. secondly, no more game categories plugin which really sucks cause I like to keep things organized. thirdly, gpsp don't work :( keep getting some kind of homehook error... and on top of all that when entering the game section everything loads so damn slow even with the hide pic1 option on :(
don't see the upside of updating from 5.00m33 to be honest so I'm going back....
1) Use E-loader for 150k brew (everything has been updated to 3XX besides Ressilunski anyway...)
2) Bubbletune is said to be making a updated game_catagories plugin that is even better than the current version for GEN.
3) All my emu's and homebrew work perfect for me on 5.50 GEN-B. When you updated to GEN-A cfw, did you use build 4 ?
If you have problems getting anything to work, feel free to PM me man :)
I really like GEN myself. It has the ability to play some newer games that M33 can not. It can remote play with PS3, play ISO's online, and go on playstation store (all things m33 has been blocked from...)
I also think the vsh recovery is sweet.
At the end of the day, use what best suits your needs man.
I was
very hesitant to update to GEN myself, and now that I did - I'm happy I did