I like this theme so much that it was keeping me back at 5.00 M33-6 along with some other themes and such.
But ever since Sony decided to block off 5.0x users & paying customers from PSN, there was no choice but to update
to a PSN-Connectable firmware, along with updating this theme to work with 5.50 GEN myself.
Credit & shouts go out to:
- Innercy for initially creating this theme
- Nicodemus82 for reviving this theme that I've never seen until then
- The "lets hex everything weee!!" (hehe) crew at EndlessParadigm, not to mention the awesome theming apps
I came across there: Matchung, SchmilK, Vegetano1, XanderChaos, mutevict1m, highboy, ZiNgA BuRgA, xero1, blessedhands, McCabe, kenzodragon, and anyone else I forgot while browsing. :push:
- (Where are you!?) Dark_AleX for Custom Firmware
- Team GEN for 5.50 GEN-A/B Custom Firmware
- Sony for forcing some of us to get out of 5.0x, even though the PSP homebrew community is always a step ahead
Enjoy this addition to the list of 5.50 themes slowly, but surely, rising
(Hopefully no problems will come about for me sharing this updated theme )
PS3 80GB MGS4 | Firmware 3.41 | 250GB HDD | PlayStation Plus