Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] Circa Dome Updated for 5.50 GEN
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[Image: circapreview.jpg]

I like this theme so much that it was keeping me back at 5.00 M33-6 along with some other themes and such.
But ever since Sony decided to block off 5.0x users & paying customers from PSN, there was no choice but to update
to a PSN-Connectable firmware, along with updating this theme to work with 5.50 GEN myself.

Credit & shouts go out to:
- Innercy for initially creating this theme
- Nicodemus82 for reviving this theme that I've never seen until then
- The "lets hex everything weee!!" (hehe) crew at EndlessParadigm, not to mention the awesome theming apps
I came across there: Matchung, SchmilK, Vegetano1, XanderChaos, mutevict1m, highboy, ZiNgA BuRgA, xero1, blessedhands, McCabe, kenzodragon, and anyone else I forgot while browsing. :push:
- (Where are you!?) Dark_AleX for Custom Firmware
- Team GEN for 5.50 GEN-A/B Custom Firmware
- Sony for forcing some of us to get out of 5.0x, even though the PSP homebrew community is always a step ahead Gongxi

Enjoy this addition to the list of 5.50 themes slowly, but surely, rising Aha
(Hopefully no problems will come about for me sharing this updated theme Inluv)
Its nAAAIIIISS, I'll use it maybe  (:
Possibly the best theme in history.
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