Who can have the most randomest conversation!
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Daddy Proper
Team DreamArts

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Post: #36
RE: Who can have the most randomest conversation!
Quote:Stranger: hi : D
You: Alt + F4 if you're cool
Stranger: nah
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

hmm that made no sense

Quote:Stranger: hey!
Stranger: m/f?
You: cat
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Quote:You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: heyy
Stranger: where?! where!?!
Stranger: ahh
Stranger: i knew it was a trap
Stranger: u took my chocolate
You: indeed i did D:
Stranger: damn you
You: master of disguises
You: i am
Stranger: omg
You: fear me
Stranger: give me back my cholate!
You: i have a gun that shoots shurikens and chocolate
Stranger: ooooh
Stranger: can i touch?
You: what if i eat ur chocolate whatca gonna do about that
Stranger: uhm
Stranger: probably nothing
Stranger: but that's beside the point
Stranger: i won't give you any hugs
Stranger: i think that's punishment enough
You: for all i know you're a cake ninja
You: i can't be sure -_-
Stranger: lol
Stranger: I'm not a ninja
Stranger: I'm a princess
Stranger: if you must know
You: o really
Stranger: yupp
You: im a princess too
You: at weekends
Stranger: lol
Stranger: I'm one full time
You: damn
You: must be difficult
Stranger: yeah it is
Stranger: but i deal
You: deal
You: or NO DEAL
You: what's it to be
Stranger: i deal with it
Stranger: so many dickheads out there
You: of course
Stranger: and i have to fight them all off
Stranger: it's tough
You: with a bat?
Stranger: sometimes
Stranger: but I'm not really a fan of violence
You: i must go
You: the chocolate ninja alliance has called me on another mission
Stranger: alrighty
Stranger: have fun
You: hershey kisses for all
Stranger: mmmmmmmmmm
Stranger: thanksss
You: lol
Stranger: *huggy hugs*
Stranger: i give amazing hugs by the way
Stranger: be honored
You: oh i am

nothing like finding lovely people on the internet

i lol'd

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(This post was last modified: 27/05/2009 02:44 PM by ProperBritish.)
27/05/2009 02:32 PM
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RE: Who can have the most randomest conversation! - ProperBritish - 27/05/2009 02:32 PM
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