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RE: [Emo] Life problems..
Umm apart from this will not be your one and only love not really. Meh, all I can say is chill. Had the EXACT same situation when I was a younger more foolish me. If anything and I know you probably don't want to think this but be happy for your friend. He is like one of your best friends so yeah. This will be a test of how good friends you really are. I lost friend's over women but to me that just means they arn't friends. Also time is a great healer. I was the lowest of the low when i split with my ex. Wee had a flat together and everything.....Stupid thing about it was I ended it LOL. Meh the way your mind works is a bitch sometimes. Tetris cheer up dude :D
MrE sends happy thoughts ^_^
14/05/2009 06:31 PM |