Who can have the most randomest conversation!
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Mc Cabe
Storm Trooper

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Post: #9
RE: Who can have the most randomest conversation!
feinicks Wrote:lol.. tried it:

Quote:You: hi
Stranger: hi
Stranger: girl or?
You: tell me... what is racecar backwards
Stranger: f1
Stranger: ?
Stranger: i dunno
Stranger: sorry
You: no dumbass... racecar


* Mc Cabe giggles

12/05/2009 12:28 PM
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RE: Who can have the most randomest conversation! - Mc Cabe - 12/05/2009 12:28 PM
Thread Revived!!! - Necro-Bot - 22/07/2009, 12:02 PM
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