ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Can barely see the video >_> Use something like CamStudio to capture your video. (and upload a good quality shot - don't use their SWF thing)
Anyway, possibilities:
- Transfer cut off - can you download the file without corruption?
- Caching, but unlikely for a 600+MB file
What's your home connection?
Thank you for the CAM Studio url! This is a really cool app!!! Thank you again!!
I got a good quality video. Take a look at this...
Video may not be processed yet, but I got to go to sleep I awake @ 5am & it is 1130.. YIKES!!
Let me know what you think it is.. IDK, Comcast increased speed?
I don't have a supped up PC either, it is pretty basic, I will post the specs later, but I re-downloaded one of the links it said was finished & it worked 100%%!! I could not believe it at all, I don't know what to say, I would like need someone else to test the link, but check out the video..
PSN: Brick_Factory
Spoiler for sigpic:
Spoiler for NeCr0-B0T:
Necro may refer to:
* necro-, the Greek prefix meaning death
Bot or BOT or similar may refer to:
* Internet bot, computer program which does automated tasks
* Botnet, network of "zombie" computers used to carry out automated tasks such as spamming