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RE: EP Releases & RAWs Discussion Thread
Assassinator Wrote:Kuu Wrote:Proper Chihiro is out already...
Just watched it... the h.264 one...
That has to be an upscale. And not by a little bit. Judging from what I see, they'd be much better off going 848x480 or something.
And... what's with that haloing. Never seen haloing like that.
(Haloing and ef come hand in hand or something? ef DVD also had retarded haloing, although not as bad as this)
Ok, had another look. Oh god, it's not just the haloing... Lets see, banding, dot crawl, rainbowing...
Like almost every single problem you can have stuck into a single vid? It's 2008... There shouldn't be stuff like that.
The encoding demons fallen on us?
14/10/2008 02:17 AM |