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RE: click sound replacer wav to vag
osnap1584 Wrote:awesome thanks for the update I keep my psp editting programs into one folder anyway. Is there a function that allows you to write a rco for a specific firmware or is it just for 4.01 so far? Would be a sweet addition to v3. I lost my game saves about a year ago due to using a system plugin rco for a different firmware. :(
i could do that np but it is good for 3.80 and up for the system_plugin.rco did not changed since then,they are identical in hex editor.so i will put it in i guess from 3.52 till current would be good or maybe all,ill see when i compare the files i guess.
Thanks for the feed back and if you have anymore please say it.
25/08/2008 06:02 PM |