The 90€ was a mix of entry and transport fee... okay gas prices are REALLY expensive.... but well I'm here and as you can think that means I did not go.. but it all worked out positive^^
Yesterday I told her honestly about my worries and that I don't really want to go to the convention.. I also said that I would just go for hers sake... well the said it's my decision and she wouldn't be mad at me if I don't go. She said the would just drop by and I can tell her then if I want to go or not... well after a lot of thinking I decided not to go... I never had good physical condition and I dunno if I could have made it 2 days on a gigantic convention....
I also found out that a new train line has been established, it would now just take me 2 hours to get to her! :D
And after I now met her in person, even if it was only for a few minutes I totally want to visit her (5cm per Second did it part for that...), she has a somewhat cute attitude to her^^
Well I hope it will work out with the visit, thanks again for support on that matter everyone
by the way. if I would be on that trip... my mother would have killed me.. my Alibi had an unexpected fatal error......