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New battle guidelines
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Post: #37
So from what I understand.  Graphics Warloads is a group inside a group?.<.>?  Explain pleases


Quote:EP never needed rules and was freely because people here have common sense, not like the other fail sites around. I just hoped that if i did these system, people would at least understand how fudgeing hard it is to keep stuff up to date, specially with a MASSIVE lack of information.

Rules do have much to do with the other mods wanting to know/vote on changes like theses, im not saying you have a bad idea and i thank you for wanting to make the site better, but I have these mods watch over this section, and I don't really read all of the sotw threads/rules/whatever, but I do think it is a better idea to consult with the rest of the mods/graphics mods before hand to wee do what's best.

I would like for this not to turn into a flame war, but to discuss this matter and work out what's best for everybody.


<Myth0s> i love boys
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¿ʞɔпɟ əɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ I was first EPerson to have upside down title.
22/06/2008 09:24 PM
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RE: ATTN: G​​​​​​FX REGULARS - YoYoBallz - 22/06/2008 09:24 PM

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