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Project4 v1.6180 out!!
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Thinks Zinga Up To Something

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Post: #8
RE: Project4 v1.6180 due out tomorrow
It was a complete XMB replacement for the PSP.

Yeah. Things went dead when Open Beta 4 leaving 3.80 M33 at the highest the thing would work with. Hopefully, Auri can update this in time so it can works with 4.00 M33.

‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭[Image: Kamakazi.jpg]
Mr. Sim Pilot - One's Tale of Adventure - Coming Soon ... or whatever
Spoiler for SkyDX's gift.:
[Image: demonchildiq2.png] Thanks!
Assassinator Wrote:
demonchild Wrote:Because even pirates pirate free stuff.

Because pirates even pirate free stuff.

Important. Lol.
22/06/2008 08:54 PM
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Messages In This Thread
Project4 v1.6180 out!! - demonchild - 22/06/2008, 03:30 PM
RE: Project4 v1.6180 due out tomorrow - demonchild - 22/06/2008 08:54 PM
RE: Project4 v1.6180 out!! - Chaos Panda - 24/06/2008, 06:40 AM

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