Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Project4 v1.6180 out!!
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Oh yeah,

Been waiting a while for this:


Quote:Project4 Version 1.6180 (theres a reason for the number) is now ready for use!

Version 1.6180 and its accompanying installer have been finished, ready for release in a few days time (I'm probably pushing it saying Tuesday, but hopefully you'll have the new version by then).

This update comes with the compiled Project4, the first time most of you will see it out of Beta stages. It also comes with the standard hacks from the previous version, meaning you do not need to unpatch the system and repatch it, simply just remove Project4's main code from the original, and install the main code from the new, simple.

The graphics have been supplied by DrBaronVonEvilSatan, all required graphics are in the installer, any additional graphics will be contained in a seperate folder for use if you want (calendar, calculator, etc).

The configuration file has been edited, based on the original given for the selected theme, to fit into the new standard layout.

A test shortcut and extention config file has also been packaged, inside will be a set of instructions on creating your own, along with the one I have been using for testing.

If anyone would like to inform some of the PSP websites, that's fine by me because I can now see a release coming up.

Finally, I've thought of a possible patch for slim users which may allow them to use Project4 side by side with the XMB, it would mean 2 versions would have to be created, as this possible patch would require some pretty big changes to how Project4 loads, but fortunatly this patch would mean I would only have to code it once, after that I just need to compile it twice, one with and one without the patch function active - simple. All I need is a slim user who wishes to test it for me.


SchMilk Wrote:Heres a working p4ml.prx...

if you managed to downoad the installer and install it after you see the blue screen reboot into recover and put this file in flash1:\P4


demonchild Wrote:Oh yeah,

Been waiting a while for this:
Urm what is Project4???/// I'm a bit outta date with the PSP scene due to bricked and laziness....
second that
Never heard of it. Guess I'm not the only one. =]
MehHakker Wrote:Urm what is Project4???/// I'm a bit outta date with the PSP scene due to bricked and laziness....

if i remember correctly/.... it is some sort of xmb replacement.......... i thought it dead ages ago....
Tails Wrote:
MehHakker Wrote:Urm what is Project4???/// I'm a bit outta date with the PSP scene due to bricked and laziness....

if i remember correctly/.... it is some sort of xmb replacement.......... i thought it dead ages ago....

The developer seemed to have killed all his work, but it was uploaded online
It was a complete XMB replacement for the PSP.

Yeah. Things went dead when Open Beta 4 leaving 3.80 M33 at the highest the thing would work with. Hopefully, Auri can update this in time so it can works with 4.00 M33.
wasn't this the one that got lost cause the creator had his backup in a memstick? (that he misplaced)
the very same/...
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