Thanks a lot Zinga, that has helped out. I'll just follow up on your answers, anyone can answer if they wish though.
1. I have a few command-line programs that can completely delete (not just zero-out) data from one HEX address to another HEX address, and then another application that can "insert" one file into another file in binary mode. This is pretty much what i was after; however, it is slow and the author has NOT given me permission to distribute this command-line tool in the software. So i can't use it. I'm sure i will find a solution though, on to "2." which is kind of a continuation...
2. IF and FOR and %1 variables? No offence, but I don't even regard them as complex anymore (haha)! I am seriously a batch wh*re. I'm using stuff like advanced piping (with the < and > and | characters) with a poo poo load of command-line tools for manipulating binary files (binary-level injection and building, etc). The problem is, they are so huge and slow the batch files; and in order to have the part of the program that allows the 'mix-and-match' style of RCO theming is that i have to have EVERY resource (each icon, for example) split into individual files... so a topmenu RCO is hidden in the program in it's own folder, split into about 30 files (for example... 01_header.dat; 02.dat; 03_icon.dat; etc) so its pretty... inefficient. ANYWAY, My proudest piece of code though, is a small script (or 'library' would be an accurate term, as i have practically written a new language out of the batch software and it is very self-contained) that uses ONLY NATIVE NT CMD.EXE commands to find the firmware version of the connected PSP... using a simple FINDSTR command. It doesn't technically support binary files for searching for strings, but it has a wildcard (or wild 'character') option so.... yeah ANYWAY....
I have Visual Basic 6. It is OLD though! I don't know if this is the same one? It is just a.. ahem... *cough* *cough* burnt... *COUGH* CD labelled "VB6" that i got of my older brother about 5 years ago.... would this be the right one? I do actually have some BASIC experience with VB6, the GUI part of it anyway haha... can VB6 call a batch command? Oh nevermind, I'll give it a go and buy a copy of VB 2005 if it isn't expensive. I have a lot of spare time these days, I'm keen!
3. I have tried adding % to the beginning and end of the SNES9xTYL folder, and __SCE__ to the beginning, and all sorts of combinations of both, but the best ive ever gotten is a 'Corrupted Icon'... obviously the M33/OE "Hide Corrupted Icons" feature doesn't help. But that doesn't matter, as the PRX EBOOT Launcher thing doest work anyway....
4. Would anyone be able to help me on the structure of VSH.PRX/VSHMAIN.PRX (same file are they not)? I really want to continue work on my mega-extreme modification of the XMB, but there is no point if i can't change the "UMD" or "Memory Stick" order, or change their menu categories or whatever....
Is Z33's rcotool compatible with 3.51/3.52 decrypted RCO's? Oh I'll just try it i suppose. Wait... with a decypted RCO, can you physically see the.... "Page Data" and such in a HEX editor? If you can, i may not need this rcotool or whatever...
OK, that's enough for now. So sorry about the huge post. Would anyone be interested if i uploaded an alpha of "Mod That PSP!" for testing/comment/suggestion purposes? Check out the thread guys ( and if it seems interesting to anyone, I'm more than happy to upload it so they can have a look. The only reason I havn't uploaded it to PSP3D is because there are a lot of people on there who are foreign or inexperienced and i do not want to be whinged at for releasing a program that says it can do this but actually messes up their topmenu... whereas you guys surely experience 'semi-bricks' all the time, just like me :)
Anyway, check out the thread HERE ( and let me know if you want me to upload it to a new thread or whatever. I'd be happy to hear some comments and suggestions, and maybe even some people to have a gander at my BATCH code!
Thanks a lot Anger, and Zinga of course; you are a great bloke. Keep doing what you do man! Peace.
EDIT: I was curious as to what development tools everyone uses. Right now, i use both UltraEdit32 and XVI32 for HEX Editing, and Notepad++ for script editing (.BAT, .VBS, .HTML, etc). I am happy with Notepad++, the feature it has where it COLOUR CODES arguments/commands/parameters/options/filenames/variables/ETCETERA in batch files is brilliant. But the fact that i have to use TWO hex editing tools is somehwhat annoying. Does anybody have any suggestions for "the best" (in their opinion, and not just an ignorant one but one from somebody who has 'tried and tested') HEX editing program? Something that can do a unicode and ASCII search, find and replace, and any other useful features that would help us PSP hackers would be great. If anyone has any suggestions, i would be extremely thankful.
I love this forum already. When was the last time anyone said this? PSP HAXX ROCK!!!