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random IRC conversations
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The Average Lucky Bastard

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Post: #1
random IRC conversations
Commander_598: Heath Ledger dead.
Kroko: ...what
Kroko: are you serious
Commander_598: Assuming CNN Headline News isn't just making things up.
Latis: No, he's dead.
Kroko: holy poo poo he is
Baconfish: have they finished making batman yet?
Kroko: yes
Kroko: I think
happydud: imdb lists Batman as in post-production
Baconfish: phew
Latis: awesome. Wee're safe guys.

Razer: Spoon..DS is coming..
TriSpear: how do you know?
Wicked_Sword: The annoying n00b f00?
Razer: He just signed onto AIM..
EnergyWave: yeah...the kid who sucks at being a sader..
Wicked_Sword: Spoon chocolate spoon
Razer: Hide!!
* Razer is now known as Razer[Away]
* DevilsGrace is now known as DevilsGrace[Out]
* Wicked_Sword is now known as WS[Away]
* TriSpear is now known as Tri[Gone]
* Hampton is now known as Hampton[bbl]
* EnergyWave is now known as EnergyWave[afk]
* _Godly_Strike_ is now known as GS[bbiab]
Razer[Away]: >.>
* DarkShadows has joined #Saders
DarkShadows: hey evry1
DarkShadows: n e 1 want to play with me
DarkShadows: 1 here..
* DarkShadows has Quit(Quit: User Exited)
Razer[Away]: w00t!
WS[Away]: I kinda feel bad for him..Now...He just got ditched by an entire channel...

<Trinexx> Holy poo poo that was awkward...
<Trinexx> neighbour of mine called and asked me to attend a surprise party she was throwing for her husband
<Trinexx> About 30 minutes after he showed up, she announced to him and the rest of us that she was pregnant.
<Trinexx> Mike says "Honey, I've been meaning to tell you, but..."
<Trinexx> "I'm sterile."
<Trinexx> I grabbed my coat and left.

<Turkeyslam> oh man I saw pure gold at lunch, I was sitting near this group of black guys at a table and they all had tucked in shirts and spoon, looked educated, I think they were studying calculus or something
<Turkeyslam> and across from there, there was another table with a bunch of white guys, all ghetto looking, three of them wore fudgeing grills, sagging pants, and one was playing some 50 cent ringtone or some spoon
<Turkeyslam> going "yeah boiiii"
<Turkeyslam> and one of the black guys in the table next to me muttered "fudgeing niggers"
<Turkeyslam> I choked on my fudgeing jolt cola

<pronstar``afk> my kazaa preformed an illegal opperation
<cCCPehlet`> isn't that what kazaa is designed to do?

<Knightmare> Well that was obvious.
<Tuborg> ?
<Knightmare> Guy in a cubicle a couple feet away from me stands up and asks aloud if anyone has a Starcraft CD Key.
<Tuborg> Heh.
<Tuborg> I'm guessing he got a good talking to by your manager?
<Knightmare> The floor supervisor told him where to download a no-cd crack.
<Tuborg> Can I fax you my resume?

<Kidsune> Shhhh, don't tell anyone, but I'm gonna go down on you...
<Kidsune> And you're gonna love it...
<Kidsune> But it's only going to be long enough to let you start enjoying it...
<Kidsune> Then I'm gonna come back up again and fudge you, big time...
<Kidsune> Lots of love,
<Kidsune> Fuel Prices

<k2xl> in 1998, i made a C++ program to calculate pi to a billion digits.
<k2xl> i coded it on my laptop (pentium 2 i think) and then ran the program.
<k2xl> the next day i got a new laptop but decided to keep the program running.
<k2xl> it's been over seven years now since i ran it. and this morning it finished calculating.
<k2xl> the output:
<k2xl> mindblowing eh?
<k2xl> i looked in the code of my program, and i found out that i forgot to output the value :(.
Comment: true story, i fixed the code and am running it again

* Kio has quit IRC (Quit: )
* TRR has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Aquazzz has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
* RiotingNerd has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
* flatface has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* Bobbobs has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* mikedepalma has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
* evolsoulx has quit IRC (Peer Pressure)


FEEL THE POWER   \(m)/ (@_@) \(m)/
Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici
17/11/2008 06:00 AM
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Down with MJ yo

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Post: #2
RE: random IRC conversations
2nd one made me lol,
liked the pure gold one and the cd key one :p

[Image: MiCk3Y.jpg]

[Image: battle.png]

Spoiler for link:
(This post was last modified: 17/11/2008 08:35 AM by Mickey.)
17/11/2008 08:32 AM
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*The Sweaty Indian/Welsh Guy*

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Post: #3
RE: random IRC conversations
k2xl Wrote:<k2xl> in 1998, i made a C++ program to calculate pi to a billion digits.
<k2xl> i coded it on my laptop (pentium 2 i think) and then ran the program.
<k2xl> the next day i got a new laptop but decided to keep the program running.
<k2xl> it's been over seven years now since i ran it. and this morning it finished calculating.
<k2xl> the output:
<k2xl> mindblowing eh?
<k2xl> i looked in the code of my program, and i found out that i forgot to output the value :(.
Comment: true story, i fixed the code and am running it again


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17/11/2008 12:45 PM
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Posts: 4,698.2833
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Post: #4
RE: random IRC conversations
Lots of Love,
Fuel Prices


limneosgreen Wrote:Take my advice, don't try to install custom themes ... it's possible to brick ur psp.. why just don't change wallpaper
17/11/2008 04:52 PM
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Smart Alternative

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Post: #5
RE: random IRC conversations
2nd one was awesome!
Good find :)
19/11/2008 01:31 AM
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