Reputation Report for Kaiser
(The Average Lucky Bastard)

Total Reputation: 50

Reputation from Members: 50
Reputation from Posts: 0
Positives: 50
Neutrals: 0
Negatives: 0
  Positives Neutrals Negatives
Last week 0 0 0
Last month 0 0 0
Last 6 months 0 0 0
eKusoshisut0 (49) - Last updated 12/05/2010, 09:20 PM

Positive (+1): 50th rep!!, cool guy came back Madwin
roberth (45) - Last updated 24/07/2009, 11:42 AM

Positive (+1): kaiser is awesome
lembas (48) - Last updated 24/07/2009, 11:05 AM

Positive (+1): you don't happen to be the same Kaiser from DCEmu, do you?
Brittany (30) - Last updated 24/07/2009, 09:43 AM

Positive (+1): Because you are as close to a God as possible... +1!
PSPkiller (29) - Last updated 24/07/2009, 09:02 AM

Positive (+1): I thank thee for the seveny goods
Afterlife (0) - Last updated 16/07/2009, 06:20 PM

Positive (+1): Seriously You're too rich.
SchmilK (50) - Last updated 30/01/2009, 07:28 PM

Positive (+1): 46th rep for kaiser rolls
Sparker (87) - Last updated 30/01/2009, 06:57 PM

Positive (+1): An Average Lucky Bastard
ProperBritish (47) - Last updated 30/01/2009, 03:16 PM

Positive (+1): I Respect Your Authoritaaaaa
Kana (19) - Last updated 30/01/2009, 03:15 PM

Positive (+1): for thy possess a cool name
PLZDELETE (40) - Last updated 30/01/2009, 02:53 PM

Positive (+1): thank you =]
Chroma (44) - Last updated 14/01/2009, 10:42 PM

Positive (+1): O noes, joo haz moar reps than me. MUST REP WHORE MYSELF.
GoogleSex (2) - Last updated 28/12/2008, 07:55 PM

Positive (+1): He's a Lucky Bastard
J_G_ (13) - Last updated 13/12/2008, 08:11 PM

Positive (+1): You scare me O_O
Tetris999 (42) - Last updated 30/11/2008, 08:56 PM

Positive (+1): i havent repped the kaiser? lawl now i have :D
demonchild (14) - Last updated 12/11/2008, 07:56 PM

Positive (+1): You know you wanted it to.
roir (3) - Last updated 30/10/2008, 05:17 PM

Positive (+1): you are cool
almadawarrior (6) - Last updated 01/09/2008, 02:05 PM

Positive (+1): *he deserved it
S7* (80) - Last updated 21/08/2008, 10:36 AM

Positive (+1): Cool Graphics Mod, very helpful and a cool guy to have around
Pyro (9) - Last updated 21/08/2008, 10:13 AM

Positive (+1): hate this guy, seriously. Wait, is this positive? Oh, spoon. Nah you're a cool mod and helpful, thanks!
feinicks (33) - Last updated 21/08/2008, 09:53 AM

Positive (+1): feeling generous... lol! no srsly, a dedicated mod...
1-R (73) - Last updated 04/08/2008, 10:06 AM

Positive (+1): irep otay'""! ^_^
Mickey (33) - Last updated 20/06/2008, 07:40 PM

Positive (+1): :gasp: Thought i repped you :P Awesome mod and great new battle system
andrewcc (33) - Last updated 19/05/2008, 01:36 PM

Positive (+1): love the south park ava....
... (4) - Last updated 30/03/2008, 07:37 PM

Positive (+1): I think Kaiser its pretty badass, He Raped me and isn't afraid of anything
xero1 (26) - Last updated 24/03/2008, 05:53 PM

Positive (+1): For helping me out with photoshop.
rockhead (25) - Last updated 24/02/2008, 03:25 PM

Positive (+1): WHOO RAPE TIME!!!11oneone
Zehruk (6) - Last updated 22/02/2008, 02:35 PM

Positive (+1): Bwahaha!!! Lying is fun!
michaelp (12) - Last updated 12/02/2008, 07:20 PM

Positive (+1): Computer help, yahoo!
Method (61) - Last updated 06/02/2008, 02:58 PM

Positive (+1): Very cool guy. Deserves the credit. : )
Wolf (48) - Last updated 29/01/2008, 10:11 PM

Positive (+1): He's Kaiser! Rep reason not needed.
Dupain (16) - Last updated 03/01/2008, 09:23 AM

Positive (+1): omg you scared me with your donut hole in Mars.  lol hahahaha!  but now I'm laughing hard XD
xBu (65) - Last updated 02/01/2008, 08:19 PM

Positive (+1): One of the best Graphics artist.
boogschd (53) - Last updated 22/12/2007, 09:22 PM

Positive (+1): cartman is authority :mdr:
Hellgiver (30) - Last updated 20/12/2007, 09:30 AM

Positive (+1): He directed me to a great site. Thanks!
sticky (12) - Last updated 14/12/2007, 07:46 PM

Positive (+1): for successfully updating!!!!!!!!!!!
kacperoo (6) - Last updated 06/12/2007, 06:46 AM

Positive (+1): repped becouse u rep me ; )
u_c_taker (35) - Last updated 04/12/2007, 01:29 PM

Positive (+1): repping u back
cR@Zy!NgLi$h (12) - Last updated 26/11/2007, 12:34 AM

Positive (+1): What a cool guy! He EVEN rep'd me!!!
Davis (37) - Last updated 25/11/2007, 05:17 PM

Positive (+1): For the theme upload at psp-hacks
gsmoke (32) - Last updated 24/11/2007, 09:24 AM

Positive (+1): lat03 ,somos como el Vat0
MoseZ (24) - Last updated 23/11/2007, 03:14 PM

Positive (+1): because "you reped me" is too lame a comment, Because wee agree on the same after-Turkey Day SAMMICH!!!!!
Cyonix (24) - Last updated 23/11/2007, 03:13 PM

Positive (+1): +rep for the fookin' incredible Halo sig :D :D
YoYoBallz (82) - Last updated 17/11/2007, 11:37 PM

Positive (+1): I rep back ;)
Shady (109) - Last updated 17/11/2007, 06:15 PM

Positive (+1): great Graphics work :great:
Vegetano1 (94) - Last updated 17/11/2007, 06:03 PM

Positive (+1): Its 4am reP Rep REp rEp REP REP REP!!
Eaglejack (6) - Last updated 12/11/2007, 09:44 PM

Positive (+1): I like the Avatar
MrE (7) - Last updated 30/10/2007, 04:28 PM

Positive (+1): Code box thingy lol
squee666 (78) - Last updated 25/10/2007, 02:07 PM

Positive (+1): dialup is like vista but in the terms of eating bandwoth and internet speed
diego (71) - Last updated 06/10/2007, 06:34 PM

Positive (+1): I think hes cool

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