Retailers Want a PSP Price Drop
eXemplar paraDigm
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Retailers Want a PSP Price Drop
Quote Spoon is hitting the fan with the PSP, and that is pretty obvious as of late. According to the folks at 1UP, some "big name" retailers are calling for a PSP price drop or the portable console may be dropped from the shelves entirely due to a lack of sales. Wee've heard confirmation of an updated PSP, but will that device come with a cheaper price tag or will the original PSP price tag be chopped down a bit? Either sound fine to me.
The PSP may be flopping right now, but if Sony can put the right spin on it, I could see a " PSP Lite" taking off. Especially if it still has the great looking screen, media support and cheaper (think competitive with the $129 DS Lite) price tag. You know, I am kind of excited to see what is going to happen with the PSP, which has a ton of potential. Take note, people. I don't get excited over Sony products very often.
- Source: [Gizmodo ]
(This post was last modified: 16/03/2007 11:47 AM by dasme .)
16/03/2007 11:44 AM
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RE: Retailers Want a PSP Price Drop
About time, the psp was inneed of a price cut......
Do you think the new "psp lite" will have the same price cut???
<Myth0s> i love boys
I Go To Earth When Mars Is Boring.
¿ʞɔпɟ əɥʇ ʇɐɥʍ I was first EPerson to have upside down title.
16/03/2007 11:53 AM
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