Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Retailers Want a PSP Price Drop
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[Image: psp_box.jpg]
QuoteSpoon is hitting the fan with the PSP, and that is pretty obvious as of late. According to the folks at 1UP, some "big name" retailers are calling for a PSP price drop or the portable console may be dropped from the shelves entirely due to a lack of sales. Wee've heard confirmation of an updated PSP, but will that device come with a cheaper price tag or will the original PSP price tag be chopped down a bit? Either sound fine to me.

The PSP may be flopping right now, but if Sony can put the right spin on it, I could see a " PSP Lite" taking off. Especially if it still has the great looking screen, media support and cheaper (think competitive with the $129 DS Lite) price tag. You know, I am kind of excited to see what is going to happen with the PSP, which has a ton of potential. Take note, people. I don't get excited over Sony products very often.

- Source: [Gizmodo]
About time, the psp was inneed of a price cut......

Do you think the new "psp lite" will have the same price cut???
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