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Pokemon SoulSilver 5.00 M33 / 6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 ∞ (Infinity) / 6.61 Ad
Big release finally after so much time it's done.
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Able One

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Post: #1
Pokemon SoulSilver 5.00 M33 / 6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 ∞ (Infinity) / 6.61 Ad
Pokemon SoulSilver
5.00 M33 / 6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 ∞ (Infinity) / 6.61 Adrenaline Release:

Visit the website for more information and credits:

5.00 M33 / 6.61 Adrenaline Preview:
[Image: r5sg01s.png]

6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 Infinity Preview:
[Image: XxFGYN4.png]

Just realized this theme has some of the same bugs as the Brawl theme.
If you notice anything fishy please let me know via PM/DM or by simply commenting, (if you're a member!)

If you're using the Adrenaline file the theme is only complete with SLIM Vitas.
PHAT Vitas show the Extras category while the SLIM Vitas do basically, if you try on a PHAT Vita
you end up with a Digital Comics icon by itself with no Category icons (or as I like to call it - the dock) below.
This is something I've just noticed as I've just started using my PHAT Vita to test out themes of mine.

This is the case with my other themes:
- Darth Vader PSP Persuader
- Curtain Call Brawl
- God of Themes

Attached File(s)
.ctf  Pokemon SoulSilverv500.ctf (Size: 6.33 MB / Downloads: 1547)
.ctf  Pokemon SoulSilverv660.ctf (Size: 6.43 MB / Downloads: 1972)
.ctf  Pokemon SoulSilver-Infin.ctf (Size: 6.43 MB / Downloads: 1590)
.ctf  Pokemon SoulSilver-Adren.ctf (Size: 6.34 MB / Downloads: 1479)

All glory comes from daring to begin.
[Image: GmxEFn5.png]
µMadeItWeaves (Weebly)
(This post was last modified: 03/12/2022 05:57 AM by BigDaddyWeaves.)
27/01/2021 05:51 AM
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Neophitic Presence

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Post: #2
RE: Pokemon SoulSilver 5.00 M33 / 6.60 Pro-C / 6.61 ∞ (Infinity) / 6.6
Nicely done. Very artistic and wee'll put together. I love how all the pokeballs are put in a row. I also like how the pokemon are nicely done.
27/01/2021 07:19 AM
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