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Quote:PSP gamers seem to constantly talk about custom firmware and the benefits of having it on the console. You’ll find hundreds of forums and websites containing guides, tips, tools, and downloads on CFW all over the web.

Here are some of the main features provided by CFW:

   1. You can watch movies from all regions.
   2. Run emulators for old console platforms such as NES, SNES, Genesis, Atari, etc.
   3. PSP games can play directly from the memory stick.
   4. Custom XMB themes can be installed.
   5. Full support for third party homebrew applications.

Now while playing movies from all regions and being able to run emulators sound really nice the problem seems to be point nr. 3. Running PSP games directly from the memory stick is quite handy since you don’t have to constantly swap UMD disks but this feature also opens up the door to piracy. Even though the PSP is not that popular in South Africa I was still curious to see how big the effect was CFW had on the gaming community.

PSPSA interviewed local MBB forum member Cerealkilla about CFW and this is what he had to say:

PSPSA: How long have you been in the custom firmware scene?

CK: I’ve been using CFW for about a year now.

PSPSA: Do you think Dark Alex is a genius or just someone who wanted to promote piracy?

CK: I’d go with genius! As for promoting piracy, No! If you download a ripped game, you'll notice in the read me that it's for preview purposes, at the end of the day, it comes down to you as an individual... buy it or be a sad sap.

PSPSA: Is custom firmware in your opinion the main reason for the reasonably low PSP games sales?

CK: I certainly hope not. I think the reason for the low sales rate is marketing and cost related. Firstly, games take ages to reach SA shores. Secondly, some titles are overpriced and last, you don’t see any ads for PSP games!

PSPSA: How many PSP systems have you “hacked” with CFW?

CK: I’ve hacked 3 PSP consoles to date, 2 of my own and a close friend’s console.

PSPSA: Have you experienced any problems while using CFW on PSP’s?

CK: Personally I’ve never come across a bug in the system.

PSPSA: Does running CFW void with the PSP’s warranty?

CK: Yes, it does void the warranty, but you can always reload the original PSP firmware before taking it in and you're good to go. You haven't physically opened the unit.

PSPSA: What’s the main reason you use CFW for?

CK: I use CFW for the homebrew! There are lots of great apps available for the PSP such as using it as a remote for my TV. I love it! Gets my girlfriend really mad when she has the remote and I channel hop!

PSPSA: Do you believe the rumor that the Pandora Battery fix will be patched in the upcoming firmware 4.0?

CK: You know the PSP hackers... anything is possible with time,

PSPSA: What do you think about torrent sites promoting free downloadable PSP ISO images?

CK: I think there should be a fee involved apart from just using your bandwidth. The game should be a full version trial... play it half way, if you dig it, buy the original!

PSPSA: Anything else that you would like to tell us about CFW?

CK: Like I said, I'm a fan of CFW, in my opinion, it rocks. I'll never go back to original FW because my homebrew won’t work.

From what I understand it seems CFW does have its benefits even though games are still being downloaded illegally. The question is who’s to blame. Is it the creators of CFW for allowing the PSP to play pirate games or the users downloading the torrents?

Oh noeees, wee are killing the PSP :(

He also forgot to mention the tragic effect piracy is having on the penguins...
piracy is basically what's going to hurt the psp

anything else has actually been making it popular

but in any case people like to have things free

I've been 'in the PSP Scene' since the year it was launched.

Whars my intarviewz??

Tetris999 Wrote:piracy is basically what's going to hurt the psp

anything else has actually been making it popular

but in any case people like to have things free

"what's going"?

No, no, you DO realize its around 3 years since it was released, right?

Sales of the console had a major boost thanks to Slim, and the PSP has an excellent fanbase.
DAX has publicly stated several times he DOES NOT promote piracy !!
cfw never created piracy a poor protection system at 1.50 was the beggining of it all so no one can blame dax
u_c_taker Wrote:cfw never created piracy a poor protection system at 1.50 was the beggining of it all so no one can blame dax

Well, it really was that 1.00 had no protection, it would run kernel mode apps out of the box. :D
Personally, if I pirate a game, then like it, I'll buy it. Three reasons for doing this: my conscience is clear, the devs can continue to make great games using the money, and I can make my own ISO's, which allows me to make sure I get the best quality.

Plus, running a game from ISO rather than UMD is much, much faster
ok you guys kinda slid off the question,so are you saying it will not mess up your psp right?
Kon79 Wrote:ok you guys kinda slid off the question,so are you saying it will not mess up your psp right?

Nope you're the one who slid off......read the first post.
Personally, I think the PSP would have died a long time ago...thanks there's Custom Firmwares. The boost of PSP sales was realized because of Custom Firmwares which maximize the use of PSP. And as for the PSP games, custom firmwares may have some say to it, both negatives and positives. However, Custom Firmwares shouldn't be blamed on/for the low sales of PSP games. And a lot of people are not using and/or buying the PSP because of games or just because of games. I personally don't mainly use the PSP for games.
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