Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Death Note is Coming Back!!!!
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^Infuckingcredible, but apparently true


JIC you don't understand the link, the final chapter in deathnote is Chapter 108, 109 was just released and apparently, a new Kira will emerge

damn i love this show. woot!
epic fucking win
Actually, hate to burst your bubble, but this story is barely anything. But the ENDING to that story on the other hand...hehehe....
metalgear08 Wrote:Actually, hate to burst your bubble, but this story is barely anything. But the ENDING to that story on the other hand...hehehe....

it doesn't really look like its the end, it looks more like a new beginning
omgomgomgomg *lets out fan girl scream* lol, i can't wait, this is going to be epic freaking epic!
Does Syfe know this? O.o  He got me into DN.   DN For the win!  *cries in happiness*
death note for the damn win!!! im really happy they are continuing the series.. i hope the new guy can live up to Lights reputation or i won't like it as much... still though this is like the day i found out they were making DBGT.. light was an absolute genius and only people like that get respect from me.. real or not
Fucking Great Woo
wow... more deathnote... but how much more?
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