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roberth Wrote:.you could just be imagining that your in control because in the dream your doing exactly what you would expect yourself, and thus decide, to do??

well, according to some interesting philosophies, human free will is an illusion anyway, and there is proof that your brain already decides to do something before you are consciously wanting to do it.

Lucid dreaming would be awesome, wow Shady after reading that I want to even more!
Shady, mind showing me some of those techniques.

I cannot really tell when I will have a lucid dream.
the technique i know is to wake yourself when you get to a REM stage (or at the end of it really), cause that's when u have dreams. they get longer every cycle, and you have about 3-4 cycles a night (well a cycle should be around 2 hrs). if you wake up then, you are likely to remember what u were just dreaming. what you immediately do then is reflect on your dreams and remember as much as you can, and immediately start typing or writing up the story. ive written page after page in a night this way, try to remember as much as you can and if you remember more always write it down. it may sound dull, but this is really interesting and it will actually train your brain to store your dreams in memory better if you keep it up. you do have to wake up for it though

you probably know when you do have a lucid dream, but remembering is the problem. if you consider that you should have at least 3 dreams per night, youll understand that u really don't have a clue what a dream was almost immediately after it ends (when you wake up, you really can't remember 3 dreams normally, can you?). it may seem strange to be aware at one point and never remembering that you were, but that's how it apparantly works.
i wonder why some dreams are so easily, vividly remembered, even thought its had nothing to do with waking during REM sleep

and being totally conscious and aware of yourself dreaming, and then making yourself play quidditch with go-karts or something similar, kind of takes away from the power of the dream doesn't it? my subconscious has an immeasurably greater imagination than i do.
I read about lucid dreaming once, it seemed so interesting, yet hard to actually have one. I have never had one. I don't even think I can remember having any dreams (that I can remember) recently.
The technique that was suggested was you ask yourself various times throughout the day, "Is this a dream?" and you remember your surroundings, how you feel, etc. When it becomes a habit, you might do it in a dream, and realize that it is a dream.
michaelp Wrote:The technique that was suggested was you ask yourself various times throughout the day, "Is this a dream?" and you remember your surroundings, how you feel, etc. When it becomes a habit, you might do it in a dream, and realize that it is a dream.

that is a great technique but its a little off.
what you might also do is make a list of about 10 random things (ie; dog barking, door closing, car horn etc....). then as you notice them through out the day, ask yourself ,"Am I dreaming?"(but you must really ask yourself (this might take a greater understand of your self and the world to achieve)...

this best works when you actually for a second think you are dreaming, but your not. i did this once when i hadn't smoke for almost 8 months(and i had been awake for nearly 20 hours)' and i smoked a joint of kush. i had ofter had dreams just like this, so right away i thought oh i must be dreaming... then i snapped out of it and realized i had been awake..
it was a very enlightening moment..

i have had a few dreams where i had asked my self  am i dreaming, and still thought i wasn't

another technique is when you are dreaming look at some writing, then look away, then look back at the writing, if your dreaming it will have changed and you should be able to realize your dreaming.

also check out anything electronic. in a dream it will always malfunction some how.

you have REM sleep every 45 minuets.. your dream cycles get longer through out the night, the 1st only being about 5 to 7 minuets, and the last ones are from 45 minuets to an hour and a half..

i recommend setting an alarm (or your internal clock if you know how) for about 4 hours 20 minuets from the time you will be asleep, not in bed.. once awake do something for about 10 minuets. then go back to bed, as you lay down to go to sleep think about what you want to dream about, to the finest detail. also reassure yourself   that you re going to realize your dreaming. once you fall asleep you will go directly into a vivid dream. this should also be the longest dreaming period of the night.

good luck
especially to the people who are just hearing of this..
alot of cases people merely hear of the idea and do it..
talk about beginners luck

if you achieve a lucid dream, that person will be engulfed in a euphoric feeling for a few days

again good luck...i got more just ask...
im going to start a share you dreams thread
wow lucid dreams sound SOOOOO fun

no i havent had one by the way
lucid dreams are For the win
i can't say i have them all the time, mostly when i dream of something i forget about it like every morning unless it was something awesome but most of the time i know if its a lucid dream or not because of the descriptions in wiki/ and the last post
my problem is control, i want to dream up so many scenarios of so many things when i realize I'm dreaming that sometimes i re-visit a past dream in the dream I'm having and forget about it and can't go back, and it happnes so fast
diego Wrote:Yes, so many times.

I still remember one dream. . .

Quidich with go-karts.

lol... isn't that fun Hihi
Lucid Dreaming-

A lucid dream, also known as a conscious dream, is a dream in which the person is aware that he or she is dreaming while the dream is in progress. During lucid dreams, it is possible to exert conscious control over the dream characters and environment, as well as to perform otherwise physically impossible feats. Lucid dreams can be extremely real and vivid depending on a persons level of self-awareness during the lucid dream.

A lucid dream can begin in one of two ways. A dream-initiated lucid dream (DILD) starts as a normal dream, and the dreamer eventually concludes that he or she is dreaming, while a wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state with no apparent lapse in consciousness.

Ive had a lucid dream in my past and Im trying hard to study it
to make it a daily happening. Have any of you ever had a lucid dream?
If so how was the experience for you? Did you enjoy it?

Its true you spend half of your life sleeping and in dream,
so you might as well use that to make another life for yourself.

If you have never lucid dreamed would you be interested in trying?
And have you ever had any dreams in general that have been predictions
of future events?
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