20/02/2008, 10:30 AM
Ok I won't quote no one so it doesn't get deleted, here's mine
Only a Time Machine can play like a God and can see every details about you in your everyday life up to the future by a one look at you by a timemachine crew and tell your life in just a few words. And I know it does exist.
Each and every human are programmed by GOD on how it will live life from the day you were born up to the day you will die, The whole body of a person from mind, movements, and all in all of a human is done by GOD, it is just your life is a movie directed by GOD. No one can change it even you or God himself can't change it once your programmed in this Earth. There's nothing you can do but stay in your own jail for life.
Unless you can travel through the whole universe then that's the time your free.
Any questions? Because he is God and he can do anything he wants
I've saw 200 Terminator soldiers skeleton type, 10 terminator leaders japanese human skinned Misc professional clothing.
came to our place when I was a kid. But my family never talked anything about them or cannot remember them. I don't even tell or discuss it to anybody, I just remebered everything. Long Story.
Only a Time Machine can play like a God and can see every details about you in your everyday life up to the future by a one look at you by a timemachine crew and tell your life in just a few words. And I know it does exist.
Each and every human are programmed by GOD on how it will live life from the day you were born up to the day you will die, The whole body of a person from mind, movements, and all in all of a human is done by GOD, it is just your life is a movie directed by GOD. No one can change it even you or God himself can't change it once your programmed in this Earth. There's nothing you can do but stay in your own jail for life.
Unless you can travel through the whole universe then that's the time your free.
Any questions? Because he is God and he can do anything he wants
I've saw 200 Terminator soldiers skeleton type, 10 terminator leaders japanese human skinned Misc professional clothing.
came to our place when I was a kid. But my family never talked anything about them or cannot remember them. I don't even tell or discuss it to anybody, I just remebered everything. Long Story.