Ok So I was Aduly Swim and think that there are alot of really excelent Anime all over right. Well I would like to watch some of the shows. Does anyone know the real dealio on legality of dowmloading a recording? I do it for Avatar (I know it is not concidered Anime) but really want more like Ghost in the Shell and Samurai Champalo (bad speller) Many Many more. Any Help or direction :) Also if any of you have any links to noted shows non Torrent would be great. I like to share where I can.
There is no way you can ask for illegal files on EP,..
Try google,.
hmm im not sure he is asking for a torrent i think he is asking about their legality but his post is kinda vague on what he wants
LaneLander Wrote:Does anyone know the real dealio on legality of dowmloading a recording?
Would imply your just asking about legality
lanelander Wrote:Also if any of you have any links to noted shows non Torrent would be great. I like to share where I can.
implies piracy
Im confused
*runs around in circles*
roberth Wrote:LaneLander Wrote:Does anyone know the real dealio on legality of dowmloading a recording?
Would imply your just asking about legality
roberth Wrote:lanelander Wrote:Also if any of you have any links to noted shows non Torrent would be great. I like to share where I can.
implies piracy
Im confused
*runs around in circles*
If it is Legal would anyone know where to get them. Sorry I did not specify. I would not want to ask for anyhting that was illegal
sharing anything commercial is illegal, but torrent files in themselves are not illegal (theoretically) as they contain no illegal data. They are treated as illegal if they are used to obtain illegal material, and so are regarded as illegal.
Sharing TV shows is still illegal as its still copyrighted
roberth Wrote:sharing anything commercial is illegal, but torrent files in themselves are not illegal (theoretically) as they contain no illegal data. They are treated as illegal if they are used to obtain illegal material, and so are regarded as illegal.
Sharing TV shows is still illegal as its still copyrighted
Exactly what I wnated to know. Thanks for clearing it up for me.
The legality of sharing music, movies and tv shows varies alot from country to country, though it's safe to say if you country fall under the iron boot of team America then everything is illegal.
boogschd Wrote:anime .. why not try streaming instead? [I'M SORRY, I'M A MORON WHO THOUGHT IT COOL TO POST LINKS TO COPYRIGHTED CONTENT]
Holly shibbbooobbbidy, This is so cool. What's next for thee internet Streaming hookers?
There is a business Case begging to get started.
Thanks Boogie I will check this out tonight.