you didn't piss me off boogs, just don't post links to site that host or directly link copyrighted content, only person that pissed me off in this thread was u_c being a bit of a chump.
Yeah, you went a bit too far there UncertainGod... (act more professional :P)
Anyways, dunno about your country, but here, I think it's considered illegal to download a recording of a TV show. I find it somewhat ludicrous, as you can get it for free anyway. I guess they may be somewhat concerned about timing here - it typically takes ages for an American TV show to reach Australia. Other possibility is that they're worried about possible lost revenue from ads.
But meh, lots of people download recorded TV shows. It's not like you're gonna get busted for it anyway...
lots of people download everything:P
the first and last time i posted warez here I was warned not to do it again :P
UncertainGod Wrote:you didn't piss me off boogs,
You don't ask for illegal stuff here. There's plenty of other places for that. Endless Paradigm is a place for insanity and desu.
double you tee eff? why am i being lucid again? lol
Goshi Wrote:double you tee eff? why am i being lucid again? lol
You're regaining sanity.
A bad sign.... >_<