Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Torrent ?
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Nobody should EVER post links to sites that share, distribute or stream copyrighted works on this site.

Do that again boogs and I'll change every post your have ever made into "I suck donkey balls, there delicious."
Actually they do not Stream Licensed or copywritten material.  Well at that site.

Again Thanks everyone.
...Yes, they do.
UncertainGod Wrote:Nobody should EVER post links to sites that share, distribute or stream copyrighted works on this site.

Do that again boogs and I'll change every post your have ever made into "I suck donkey balls, there delicious."

as far as i can see that post is against the rules of the forum
part of the rules of the forum Wrote:By registering on this discussion system you agree that you will not post any material which is knowingly false, inaccurate, abusive, hateful, harassing, sexually orientated, threatening or invasive of a person's privacy, or any other material which may violate any applicable laws.
maybe u should look up the rules of the forum cause that post seems to stretch them to the edge
UncertainGod Wrote:...Yes, they do.

OH, My bad.  I guess I am internet gullible.  Maybe wee should just delete this thread...
Get a grip u_c.
editing out the illegal link from boogschd post was a good job n i commend u for removing the links immediately
but ur threat to him seems unjustified
i got to agree with U_C here...you should have just PMed him a warning and left it at that, a threat is far to much
sorry UG .. Sadist

@u_c_taker & roberth - thanks .. im ok im used to UG i guess :he: .. i always find something that would pi55 him off unintentionally :mdr:

* boogschd must remember to make use of the PM system

ima make a thread entitled "give me some fudgeing links"

in random insanity
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