Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [3.80 M33] - HighRes background pictures !!!
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[Image: Necropost.jpg]
what are the offsets for 5.50 gen
drigerwolf1 Wrote:what are the offsets for 5.50 gen

Well I can tell you right now that gen offsets aren't found in "[3.80 M33] - HighRes background pictures !!! "

drigerwolf1 Wrote:what are the offsets for 5.50 gen

Take a look around.

not there
drigerwolf1 Wrote:not there

Yes, it is there. That was a link to the "PRX offsets 5.50 - in HBK format". Look in the archive attached there for the file "Vshmain550(Normal Prx)goodNo colors.hbk" - it has bitmap/color related offsets in there.
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