Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [3.80 M33] - HighRes background pictures !!!
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Good job on that :)  I only got blank icons in 3.71 playing with this for schmedia schenter but i hope its different in 3.81 :)

LOL...i only have 10 icons showing now :D

even scaling down to a 120x80 image that's 8kb it still looses everything :(  guess high res wallpapers won't work for this :(

there has to be a layering offset that can bring the wave all the way to the front layer so you can have waves over the walpaper set by the pictures menu.  But that's like looking for a needle in a rock quarry.
oh and by the way.  the app wants 1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg etc... not 01.jpg 02.jpg 03.jpg etc ;)
SchmilK Wrote:Good job on that :)  I only got blank icons in 3.71 playing with this for schmedia schenter but i hope its different in 3.81 :)

LOL...i only have 10 icons showing now :D

even scaling down to a 120x80 image that's 8kb it still looses everything :(  guess high res wallpapers won't work for this :(

there has to be a layering offset that can bring the wave all the way to the front layer so you can have waves over the walpaper set by the pictures menu.  But that's like looking for a needle in a rock quarry.

I don't think so,.. because i found an offset for the alpha channel of background and there is no wave behind it,..

The only one who might be able to hack XMB ram might be Dark_Alex,.. hacking the ram would mean more space for icon's and high res 01-12.bmps

Also when flashing Project 4 it says that the ram is being hacked/patched to use more ram??
hope you could also provide an edited 3.71 M33-4 vshmain.prx or perhaps a link. thank you very much.
I downloaded the attached file but when I put high res backgroud. It shows a small white icon in the network connection on top when connecting to a WIFI.
please make a pre-edited vshmain for 3.71 M33-4. :-)
Can someone help me?  I'm using 01-12.bmp (the one in ultimate blue with black bars) and i edit the vshmain fine.  I change the hex from 2018 to FF7F like it said in the tut, i don't compress the vshmain.prx though, because i don't have a compressed version of it already, then I turn on my psp and icons are still missing.  I go back to hex workshop and it's like i didn't do anything to it.  The FF7F is gone and the 2018 is back.  Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?  The dimensions for the 01-12.bmp are 480x272.
noob question - is 32kb the maximum allowed or wee could still increase that? how big of a 01-12.bmp will that take? i have 300+kb 01-12.bmp (480x272) and using the tools here i still ended up with missing topmenu icons and most of the months thumbnails do not show, is that normal?

32kb/pic?! please show me a hires pic at 32kb to be stretch to 480x272. thanks.
SHIFT-Key, can you make a tut for 3.90 if you know how?
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